Chapter 44: Fustration In Beauty

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   Later that night after the mourning ceremonies that were carried out through the lands, Egypt basked in their victory or for Ametis...her loss. Horus was thankful for the aid of the Persians. Princess Tawi and her army were there at the palace in attendance. Come morning, they would depart.
  "As I have said before, Ametis will make a splendid Queen," Princess Tawi said in her heavy voice as she slapped Sanhir on the shoulders. "I am so glad we could help, Ametis. However, I am so sorry for your loss."
   Sanhir nodded in agreement as they looked at Ametis. She was dressed in black and gold-Kha's favorite colors. Her head was lowered so she couldn't look more respectful than everyone else. She needed to feel the pain. Overall, she still looked beautiful.
  "He did what he had to do."
  "Hmm bless him," Sanhir and Tawi replied in unison.
  "I hope we can repay you back some way when we are ready." Ametis stated towards Tawi.
   She shrugged, "to be honest Persia is peaceful, I did not believe Sanhir when she arrived with the news. So I do not need repayment for that at all. But I do hope Egypt will hold it's alliances with Persia at it's strongest point as it has with Nubia in the past. Trouble seems to appear when you least expect it, no?"
   Ametis chuckled, "of course Tawi. I would be honoured to strengthen our relationship. Now, please excuse me. I see my brother calls." Ametis bowed and walked away slowly, Tawi and Snahir's conversation carried on.
  "Ooh maybe we can work on another repayment-her brother?"
  "He's already taken by two goddesses you snake," Sanhir laughed.
  "I am no snake."
  "Yes you are."
  "Well technically I am, being the goddess of water serpents."
Their amusing conversation faded into the background noise as Ametis walked further from them and closer to her brother. Ihy was dressed complimentary to her with the same colors of black and gold. He was one of the few that actually got to be with Kha and to see the being he was beneath: kind and loving at times. He was Kha's friend, his prisoner, his second General and he was going to be Kha's brother no doubt. Looking at Ametis be so miserable, it broke Ihy's heart.
   He held out his arm for her to take when she got to his side. "You look beautiful, sister dear."
  "Well you look handsome Ihy," she responded and looked behind her shoulder at the crowd. "I want to talk with you, away from here. I think Father will mind."
  "Horus is far too busy, but if you desire to speak in private; the garden perhaps? Walk with me." Ametis latched onto his arm and they walked away from the area. They walked on in silence until they arrived in the gardens. There, Ametis removed her arm from Ihy and held her face as she started sobbing uncontrollably.
  "So many lives! Our Mother, Kha, poor Amiid, Ihet-so many!" She wiped her eyes and looked at Amiid, "and Detri, did you know about him? He was our brother too!"
  "All right, Ametis," he grabbed her shoulders and kept her still, "look at me! He had to die, he would have killed you after doing away with Amiid. He had no soul and it was too late to change him like you had with Kha. Yes he was our brother but he chose to die."
  "He was a child of Apophis, how does that work with..."
   Ihy sighed as if he was tired, "Hathor is the goddess of love. Now since we gods have the most bizarre ways of having children. This is one of those bizarre ways. You were born in the mortal way, but he was not. Hathor loves Horus and him only. However being the goddess of love, it is also in her power to bestow children upon others but they also become known as Children of Hathor even though she had not borne them."
  "But he said Horus hated him."
  "Horus does not hate Children of Hathor. He never did but when she became Queen and me and you came forth, he disliked the fact she would give children to others. Because even though she was not their legitimate Mother, they were branded as so for eternity. Gifts, they were like gifts."
  "So she was also like a fertility goddess? But why Apophis?"
   Ihy shrugged, "Apophis carries a lot of evil and hatred being the god of chaos. Some say Detri was a gift from Hathor when the gods thought a son was what would put his restlessness at ease, like other dark gods. Hathor just happened to be listening. She gifted him a son but since it is evident that Apophis cannot care for anything, Hathor took the child."
  "Poor Detri, I loved him."
  "You have a big heart, just like Mother."
They both smiled.
  "How is Nimir? That powerful light show must have drained her."
  "She is very proud of herself of destroying Nawete but she sends her love to you, she knows about what Kha did. She will be there at the crowning ceremony."
Ametis smiled and held his arm, "she is a sweet soul. Oh Ihy?" She pointed over to the fountain in the middle of the garden. The water looked so beautiful as it shimmered like a million diamonds, little silver and gold flowers bloomed out of the water and floated around for a while before disappearing underwater as another took it's place. Ametis pulled Ihy over and they stood staring at it.
   She rubbed his arm, "are you frightened?"
  "Of what, Ametis?"
  "Being King of Egypt after Horus, as I after beloved Hathor," she responded and sat down at the edge of the fountain.
  "No, you think too much," her brother responded with a slight laugh. "I think it is my duty as your brother to put you at ease. Come here, Ametis." He held out his hand and she sighed before taking it.
Ihy held her hand and looked up at the skies, immediately music formed out of nowhere. Ametis laughed. With all the war and disturbances, Ihy being kidnapped and turned into a warrior god, she had almost forgotten that he was also and mainly the god of music. As he was born from the music Hathor played at her sacred festivals.
   Ihy turned her around and wrapped his arms around her from the back as they slowly moved. Ametis was graceful but would do the occasion foot-steping on Ihy and then complain she could not see because he was behind her. He would then laugh and jab her ribs, causing her to start laughing too.
   They went on for a few moments until suddenly Ametis winced in his arm. Ihy asked her if she was all right, and of course Ametis lied because she then broke out of Ihy's hold and haunched over. Her hands grabbed at her head as if in pain.
Ihy held her still, "Ametis? What is happening to you?"
  "There is a searing pain across my eyes and in my body," she gasped, rapidly blinking as if to rid the pain.
Ihy frowned, "searing pain in your eyes and body?"
  "Indeed, but I feel somewhat powerful at the same time," Ametis nodded as she took Ihy's hand for support.
He held her and started walking back to the palace. This was all too confusing.

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