Chapter 39: Paths Merge

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    It was somewhere between shouting orders to the archers that Ametis felt a splitting headache. She grabbed at her throat and spun to face Ihy. Her older brother was haunched over his knees looking incredibly sick. This was not normal. Even something as simple as a headache meant something big had occured or was about to; like having a fully formed goddess be borned from the thoughts in your head. Another story.
    Ametis gabbed her brother and held onto him, "Ihy! Ihy, what was that?!"
    Ihy coughed, "something happened to someone we know."
    Ametis did not know why but the first name that escaped her lips was not exactly what they both had in mind. "Kha?"
   "No. Unlike you, I do not have an intimate connection to him. No, this person was more important to us both," he replied and gazed at the skies. She followed his gaze and saw dozen gold lights shooting into the skies; so many deities. Amongst the lights she saw the brightest one and instantly she broke into tears.
    Ametis leapt from her chariot, gathered her skirt and towards he stairs on nearest wall. Ihy ran after her but he was no match for the goddess as she ran full speed, shoving soldiers out of the way and reaching the very top. Ametis stared at the light as it disappeared into the skies. She clenched her fists and shut her eyes.
   "Ihy, it was her. I could feel it. She's gone for good."
   "Don't say that," Ihy said and tugged on her shoulder. "You owe it to Mother to fight, come sister dear."
   "Mother..." Ametis trailed off as she bit back a sob and walked backwards into Ihy's hold. It was then she reealized he was not moving and instead was staring at an archer as he sent an arrow whizzing into the battlefield below. Correction, Ihy was not staring at the archer but rather, staring at the battle itself.
   "Oh Ra," Ihy muttered.
   "The chaos—look at it!"
    They were staring at it wide-eyed. As far as their eyes could see into the horizon, they saw the two sides of the army ruthlessly slaughtering each other. Ametis gasped as she saw one of Bast's daughters being surrounded by enemy soldiers and she fought valiantly but there was too many enemies to handle. She died with a sword through her body. Ametis forced herself to watch as her body shifted into gold light and shot up into he skies.
   "We need to get out there," Ihy stated beside her.
   "But Father—"
   "After what happened to Hathor, do you think he will be in the right mindset to summon the fouth legion? No, we leave now. They are getting weaker by the moment."
   "All right," Ametis said and turned to the guard in charge. She grabbed his battle horn, raised it to her lips and blew.
    The sound resonated for miles and it was answered as it travelled deeper into the heart of the Kingdom. The army within the city's walls stirred uneasily as they realized what Ametis had just did; sounded the battle horn and possibly just gave them their death sentences.
    She nodded to Ihy and they decended back down the stairs. The army was roaring by the time they reached the bottom and were making it to their chariot. Amiid gave her a respectful bow before they all started riding towards the gates.
    They raced out and over the wide, stone bridge that separated them from the city gates. Ametis looked up to the guard in command and ordered him to send arrows into the back lines and shoot down the enemy as they make their way forward.
    Lucky for Ametis, in the back, the third legion was not thoroughly mixed with the invading army and the few who had made it as close to the city as they could get, they now lay dead with arrows piercing their bodies.
    As the white tall city gates opened, the fourth legion rushed through and out into the battlefield. Before her eyes adjusted to the scene, Ametis could smell the stench wafting in the air; blood, fire and smoke and metal.
    When her eyes finally scanned the ground, she saw the choas first hand. It was disaster all around her. Ihy shouted an order beside her and the fourth legion fell into their places.
   "For Egypt!" Ihy shouted once again and raised his sword to the sky. The army around him charged forward into the battle.
    Ametis raised her sword and fought as Ihy shielded her from the oncoming slaughter and arrows. One almost pierced her until Ihy slammed down his sword and cleanly sliced the arrow in half when it was just inches from her body. She gratefully muttered something like, 'love you,' before she went back to fighting.
    After a while Ihy tossed her the shield and reins. He grabbed his sword and they resumed positions. Him, fighting courageously while Ametis shielded him and took control of the scorpions. Whenever Ametis ordered, the beasts would scorch enemy soldiers slowly and painfully with their burning acid.
    Later, she saw a line of Kha's men edging towards the city from within the weakest area in battle.
   "Ihy! Ihy, I need to help," she said and tightened her hold on the reins. "Can you fight on your own?"
   "You cannot split up. I can fight but I promised to watch over you. I will not forgive myself if I lose you too, Ametis."
    Ametis adjusted her headdress, "I will be all right brother. I promise to see you again, after battle." She quickly reached up and kissed Ihy on his cheek before she jumped off the chariot and ran towards the army closing onto the city. She did not look back.
    Ihy had to fend off a bull-like immortal creature while he cast a glance at where Ametis disappeared into the sea of individuals. He knew she could take care of herself, but there was always room for doubt...especially if she ran into Kha.

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