Chapter 43: Great Sacrifices

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    Ametis and Kha were met outside of the temple by Shai, Atsu, Nephthys and Thoth. It seemed everyone knew what was happening and what was bound to happen in the next few moments. However, the two gods looked unaffected: Kha only looked blank and Ametis—proud. Atsu was carrying a roll of long white and gold materials that seemed to be silk and linen. Kha and Ametis tried hard not to stare at it as they made their way to the front of the palace, to the courtyard.
   Ametis heard the battle in the distance and frowned, it sounded louder and more ferocious. She looked at the other gods for an explanation.
   "We have aid from the Persian Empire, however enemies have already breached the city," Atsu stated. "It is not long before they approach the palace."
   "We must get this done," Kha nodded but Ametis failed to acknowledge him. She did not want to.
   "Your sword, Princess," Shai bowed and presented Ametis with her sword. It was cleaned off the debris it encountered in the battle and instead gleamed like a newly sculpted sword. The gold burned brightly in the her hand as she took it. The three gods distanced themselves and Nephthys did too, but before she approached Kha and kissed him on the head. He had bowed to her on his knees. When they had approached a safe distance from Ametis and Kha, and stood on the stairs to the palace, Kha drew his sword.
   "Why did you ask me to do this?" Ametis asked.
   "Many. But most importantly, I had promised that I would die in no one's hand but yours. It's an honor," he says and scraps his blade against the ground. He looked back to his Mother watching him from the stairs. She has her hands clasped together and a fearful look as she stares at Kha and Ametis.
    Ametis shook her head, "you know I will not be able to do it."
   "Think of how angry you are right now, deep inside. Let your anger out on me," he nods and they both lift their swords at the ready.
    At first Ametis only stared deep in thought as the wind whipped her hair around. She was not angry, but rather, sad. Or was she? Kha had said 'deep down.' Suddenly it came to Ametis in waves, so many waves. She truely was angry. Kha approached her and she swung her sword sideways at him. Someone watching from the stairs gasped loudly. Shai or Nephthys probably. Atsu and her Father, Thoth liked to look on the more intellectual side of things. Statues.
   "Good!" Kha nodded and walked around her as if mocking her but at the same time, tutoring her. "What is it?"
   "Osiris," Ametis angrily shouted. "This is his fault!" She blocked an attack from Kha and pushed him away. "He did not want to share his throne."
   "He did," Kha corrected. "Set wanted to rule alone."
   "Well he should have tried harder!" Ametis shouted and slammed her blade into Kha's.
   "And what else?" Kha shouted looking down his blade at her. "You clearly do not hate my Father that much."
   "Nawete! She is a swine from the Underworld!" She jabbed Kha in the ribs with the hilt of her sword and as he stumbled back, she smacked her elbow down across his face.
   "Ametis more sword-using and less physical attacks!" Kha grabbed his face and blocked her sword.
   "I'm trying my best!" She yelled. Her anger was turning into cries.
   "No you are not! Stop stalling!"
    Ametis locked swords with Kha and knocked his sword away. They stopped for a moment and stared as the weapon went sailing through the air. It clattered on the polished marble just below the ascending stairs. Kha looked at her and shot her a look at said, 'here's your chance.' He started running towards his sword. Ametis did not want to follow him but it was like her legs grew a mind of their own and started going after Kha. He slid on the ground and grabbed his sword but before he could regain himself, Ametis whipped into him and they went flying across the first few stairs.
   "I stopped," Ametis said quietly as she hoisted her figure up from the stairs by her arms. "I stopped."
    The sound of feet hurried down the stairs and went past her. There was a loud gasp followed by a quiet sob. A white long garment stopped by her side, upon looking up Ametis discovered it was Atsu. The other goddess lowered herself to the ground beside Ametis, she placed the pile of white and gold silk and linen wraps on the ground before touching Ametis on her shoulder.
    Ametis did not say anything.
   "He wants you," Atsu stated and pulled away. Ametis stayed still for a few long moments before she heard the footsteps disappear, except one. Nephthys walked over to Ametis, she had tears and sadness in her eyes but she put on a faint smile and wrapped her arms around her shoulders. With Nephthys guiding her, Ametis walked limply over to Kha's body and fell to her knees.
    Nephthys kissed Kha's forehead along with Ametis's before she took her leave reluctantly. It was not her moment anymore.
    Ametis waited until the courtyard was completely empty before she threw herself over Kha and fumbled over his armour. She cried as she took off his heavy battle attire and stared at the wound she created deep into his abdomen. Her fingers trailed upon it as she wept. Suddenly Kha's hand shot up and held her wrist. There was blood pooling everywhere beneath them.
   "Don't leave me," Kha choked out.
   "No," she corrected, "you—you must not leave me. Don't leave here alone, Kha."
   "It is too late," he smiled and touched her cheek. "You made me happy and in the end I came home. I love you, Daughter of Horus."
    Ametis cried her heart out.
   "We can only hope someone is taking care of Nawete on the—the other side," Kha was finding it difficult to talk. He was losing so much blood with the wound Ametis had created.
    Ametis lay down beside him and placed a hand across his chest to caressed the other side of his face and listen to his heartbeat. It was a moment she didn't want to waste. Her one and only love dying beside her as she cried. She was losing him. The god she had hoped to devote her entire being to. She wanted to save him and she did but he sacrificed the most. His life.
   "I wanted to change...only for you," he said quietly as she held him.
   "You'll be here with me, always."
   "I will make you safe no matter where you are. No matter what you do, I'll watch over you."
    Ametis closed her eyes and blinked away the tears. Kha winched as he twisted his body around and they lay facing each other; gazing and remembering every detail. As Kha kept on looking at her sad expression, tears ran down his own face.
   "I love you so much," Ametis said and kissed him.
    Kha was gazing into her eyes when he saw it. He held her hand tightly and frowned. Ametis noticed and mirrored his expression.
   "Ametis...they are beautiful."
   "What? Kha? What are you talking about?"
    Ametis sat up beside him and leaned over his body. He was staring at her and smiling like he saw something that was worth his last smile—and it was. Ametis only frowned and asked him about it. This seemed to make Kha even happier than before.
    He chuckled lightly, " know?"
    The goddess watched his eyes falter and held him tightly, "know what?"
   "No matter...I hope they take after you."
    Silence. His eyes closed but the smile stayed on his lips. That was the last time Ametis saw the gold and black eyes she loved the most.
   "Kha? Kha! No!" Ametis touched his face and started weeping once more. He was gone. Forever. "Anubis why?!"
    She stood up and grabbed her sword, the blade glinting dangerously. She raised it to the skies and cried. It was all over. They had won. All because of Kha, he sacrificed himself for her that Egypt does not fall.
    As she brought her sword down, the courtyard was swarmed with enemies. She faced them all, her eyes glowing furiously and struck the marble with her weapon. The sword broke through the hard barrier and planted itself deep into the ground.
    Suddenly the ground erupted as the god of the dead formed from black mist with his demons behind him. The wave of shadows moved across the courtyard and killed the enemies in an instant, dragging their bodies and causing them to disappear into swirls of black chasms that opened and closed every time someone was killed. The shadows completely blocked out the other colors around as they poured darkness over the palace. They flowed like rushing water. Anubis led his shadow pets through the courtyard, into the city and towards the battle outside the city walls as they took every enemy soul in their way.
    Kha started glowing brightly. Ametis snapped out of her angry state and scrambled to get the sheets Atsu had left with her. She took the white sheet first and covered Kha's body, and then the gold silk material last. Ametis knelt beside Kha and held his hand through the sheets. She looked up to the skies with her tear-stained face and continued to weep.
   "I will keep him! Please! I will keep him," she cried out into the skies to no one in particular—maybe Ra. It wasn't like the gods knew who was in charge of dragging their dead in the blinding gold light back into the heavens. However, it is possible to keep a dead god back on Earth, provided someone is there to account for them. She sniffed and squeezed the god's hand.
     Suddenly the sound of the raging battle died down. Egypt remained triumphant over it's enemies. A horn blew out to signify the end of the battle and the returning of the armies. A few immortal servants decended from the stairs with Nephthys. Upon gazing at the scene, her heart shattered into a million pieces that would never heal. She was not the only one. The servants shared tears for their Princess's loss as they lifted Kha's body off the ground and placed him on a bed.
    They stood by Ametis as she wept.

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    After a while the courtyard was littered with gods and goddesses as they returned from the battle. They bowed to Ametis in respect.
   "Daughter of mine," Horus touched her shoulder, "you must not weep. For the dead, for your Mother and for him you must stand proud and lead your people as Egypt's new Queen. Arise." Ametis held out her hand, Horus took it and helped her stand up. Ihy came from beside her and held her other hand. He smiled sadly.
   "Egypt rejoice in our great victory!" Ihy shouted and held up his sister's hand to the skies. The gods rose and cheered for them both. Ametis tried to chuckle but it came out as half a choke because of her sobs. Ihy turned around and embraced her in a tight hug, his hand smoothing down her long dark hair slowly. Horus watched from beside his children. He couldn't have been anymore prouder than he was. Then, he saw Anubis approaching with Nephthys and he looked to where Kha laid.
    Nephthys held onto her eldest son's hand as if she was afraid he would disappear too just like his younger brother. She had
tear-stained cheeks but still looked beautiful.
   "My son gave his life for your battle," she said quietly, "Egypt hated him. I never asked anything of you dear nephew, but now I ask simply that Egypt must at least respect him in death." Anubis looked to where his young brother laid and through clenched teeth, tears formed in his eyes. He blinked them and looked away furiously. He lost his brother and his only son, Amiid in this infernal battle. They stood there while the cheers died down and eveyone went their way to see to the damages done in the battle.
    Horus looked around and disappeared into the palace. So much sorrow.

The battle is over.

Almost to the end now.
At the end of this book, I will upload a "Character Status" chapter and it will tell you all the characters, which ones are evil and which ones died etc...

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