Chapter 36: A Storm In Egypt

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    The Temple of gods was obviously built for all the gods in existence, no matter their significance. In the Chamber of Ra—or Great Chamber—the layout was a huge circular room with fifteen thrones for the major gods as they faced twelve huge and long seating rows for the other deities. The occupants of the fifteen thrones would change depending on how their status was viewed by both the mortals and immortals. Being very respectful to their guests, a ceiling seating area was constructed for foreign gods visting Egypt. Silk lined the walls and gold glistened brightly on everything.
    Ametis looked around the room as they entered and she felt the guilt swell. These gods who did not know about her relationship with the enemy were smiling and bowing as the siblings passed. They looked so happy to have them back but Ametis couldn't help thinking once they knew about the situation, they would turn against her.
    She was now an enemy on both sides.
    Sebmet had just walked in with a couple of immortal soldiers and they took their seats guarding the two entrances of the chamber.
    Ametis looked around and saw most of her friends standing together; there was Amiid, Sekpht, Ihet, Nefti, Atsu, Nimir, Sanhir and Ay.
    They saw her and a few broke into huge grins. Others did not—Atsu just stared. Ihy whispered to her to not pay attention to Atsu and when she did, Sanhir gave her an encouraging nod as she made her way up to the ceiling seating area accompanied by Ay and Nefti.
    Everyone took their seats and the chamber quieted down as Ihy and Ametis took their place amongst the fifteen thrones. Hathor sat across from Ametis and could not help staring at her daughter in silent awe.
    Isis stood up to address the court.
   "Gods of Egypt! Though he is far, the eye of Ra never fails to watch over his children. He has guaranteed safe return to Princess Ametis and Prince Ihy. They sit before you now. Let all eyes behold them!"
    The gods cheered as Ihy stood up. He turned and offered his hand to Ametis. She stared at it for a while before reluctantly taking it and standing up. The crowd went into a roar. She was adjusting her eyes around the room when she saw a commotion at one of the entrances. The soldiers at that particular entrance moved and took out their swords.
    She frowned and looked at Ihy. He seemed as worried as she was.
    Suddenly Anubis broke through the door holding a man by his shoulder. Silence washed throughout the crowd as the cheers turned into gasps. Immortal beings could enter the Chamber of gods under few circumstances but it was forbidden for mortals to enter the Chamber of gods!
    No one was in their godly forms but the presence of being surrounded by so many gods; their auras would drive the human insane or may even kill him! Anubis was doing something very risky and it was written on everyone's face that they hoped he knew what he was doing.
    The human looked like a midget compared to the incredible heights of the gods in their human forms.
    At the sight of his Father, Amiid rose to his feet and rushed over to stand in front of the crowd. Unlike any of his closest relatives like Amiid and Nephthys, Anubis carried a cold chill wherever he walked. He would literally drag life out of a room if he wanted to.
    He was dressed in all black with his pale parchment-like skin glowing within the folds of his garments. His staff in the other hand pushed aside gods as he made his way to the front of the fifteen thrones.
   "Lord Anubis," Ametis looked at the
dark-cloaked god and at the mortal boy by his side.
   "The mortal brings news," the god stated and made the boy approach Ihy and Ametis.
    It was obvious this mortal had bad news to deliver. You could see it plain in the way he turned around and eyed the gods as if trying to see if he could escape without getting killed. He looked like a desert rat surrounded by a pack of cobras.
    Ametis felt a small gain of power come back to her and she felt sorry for the boy. She moved towards him and touched his shoulder gently.
   "You have news?"
    He nodded, "yes."
   "All right, it will be fine. What is it?"
   "Kha has declared war, and he will march upon Egypt at dawn."
    Ametis dropped her hand from his shoulder and it shot up to cover her mouth. She looked around at the shocked gathering before covering her face with both hands and she ran from the room. Ihy shouted after her and ran. Everyone broke into shouts and terrified screams.
    Ametis carried herself out of the Temple and ran back to the palace. She went into her chamber and hurled herself into the bath. Her clothes tangled around her body as she allowed herself to sink into the depths if the water. No one will see my tears, wept Ametis as she threw her arms around herself and sobs racked her body.
    She couldn't help thinking why would Kha do that to her? Maybe it was bound to come out like this in the end, but Ametis never stopped hoping he would change. And he did change! Ametis scolded herself, for him to go back like this without reasons was out of place. It was, but what can anyone expect from a child of Set?
    Ametis could forget him, forget everyone and everything, forget the world and just lie here. She touched the bottom of the pool and watched as her hair undid itself and waft in a snake-like way around her. Soon her dress also floated around in the water, but her frame held still on the bottom of the pool.
    Ametis's gold and black eyes skimmed the water with ease, like her breathing underwater. It was no problem for a goddess, she could drink lava and not die.
    Laying there, she saw Kha's image form from the watery abyss and moved towards her. She blinked. Of course she was imagining it, but it was good to see him. Slow and cautiously, Ametis reached out and touched his hand. Kha dissolved.
    Ametis rose up and broke through the water's surface. She swam over to the edge of the pool and hugged the concrete. A pair of legs came into view so she looked up and found Ihy standing with his hand extended out to her. You just have to love him, Ametis smiled sadly and took her brother's hand.
   "Is my sister all right?"
   "No. I cannot believe Kha would declare war on us, I mean, after all we've been through?"
    Ihy normally would roll his eyes if this was under normal circumstances, but it was not. It was clear Ametis's crazy lover or whatever he was had no brains left. Probably dried it all out in the desert heat, Ihy thought as he lifted Ametis out of the bath.
   "I know how it seems—"
   "It is how it seems!" Ametis's eyes blazed with fury, "his father has got to him again. I left and that must have weakened the barrier I placed in his mind. He told me that if Set ever took complete control of him, I should kill
him. This is Set."
    Ihy searched her face, but there was no compassion; only truth, anger and sadness. He placed both hands on either sides of her head, "what are we going to do?"
   "We will start with you explaining why you were branded evil by Kha when I spoke to him in the prisons. And as I wear my war armour, with the permission from Father I will dispatch an Ambassador to each our allies. I know Egypt will need all the help we can gather to win this war."
   "Determined, sister."
   "Before we talk, go find Isis and tell Mother to take her out of the city. She must be guarded all times."
   "Because Set wants his sister to bring back his soul into his living body. And he will kill her for it."

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