Chapter 28: Severed Thoughts

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   "She is not waking any time soon."
   "If she wants to sleep—let her."
    The two individuals whispered over the sleeping goddess. Suddenly she stirred and opened her eyes slowly. At first, confusion swept over her but she soon realized the events of yesterday and her memories regained.
    Two sets of eyes. One was tainted like that of a cat, and the other, dark irises with a gold lining—identical to hers.
    Her eyes met Kha's and he smiled down at her—a rare sight but one to remember.
    Very carefully, Ametis returned the smile and glanced to her right, where the sorceress stood with glinting eyes. There was something about her eyes that Ametis did not feel wholly fond of. There was something misleading in them. It is right, she is a sorceress after all, and an evil one but never had Ametis seen eyes like that, not even Kha's eyes dragged the same feeling with them.
    Ametis glided out of bed and was recieved on the other end by Kha with his hand outstretched for her. She hesitantly took his hand and look over to Nawete.
   "Seems I am not needed here," she rolled her eyes and made for the exit. Her dark hair piled into a loose bun upon her head and adorned with little red blossoms. She wore a long red transparent silk gown that showed her bare body beneath.
    Ametis averted her eyes and stared at the floor. Such displays like this were seen to be disrespectful, especially if a woman lower than the goddesses was to flaunt her beauty in such a way in front of a goddess and god...or counterpart. It was simply stating she thought of herself in highest regards than the goddess.
    Kha stared after her and later brought his eyes upon Ametis when Nawete had completely disappeared out of sight.
   "How did you rest?"
    Ametis looked up at him, "well, and I thank you. Did you have anymore dreams?"
    Kha shook his head, "you really did something there."
   "Yes, I did."
   "Come, I had the servants prepare you a morning meal to make up for you not eating last night...and the storm." Kha stated, walking her out the chamber.
   "But I am not dressed appropriately," said Ametis before she realized what she had just done, and instead shrunk back.
    Kha looked at her and laughed.
   "Ametis you are no longer my prisoner. If you wish to dress before your meal, then so shall it be."
   "May I also have a bath, or is that too much to ask?"

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   "I do not remember much now. It is good, because there is less to miss," Ametis frowned as she talked about where she was sent by Isis. "No matter, it is not home and I will do well to not miss it."
   "And you were not the only one?"
    She shrugged at Kha's question.
   "Certainly not. Few of the gods sent away their children into false worlds in order to protect them from the war. Some of us to the realm I entered and some to the lands that bridge the gap between the Underworld and the living. Others—other places." Ametis glided across the water and moved to the edge of the pool, where she placed her arms up upon the marble edges and gazed up at Kha.
    He stared down at her for a long moment before moving and placing her garments aside. Kha walked over and to Ametis's surprise, he jumped in the pool. The force was not harsh and it was not loud either, but the waves of the pool were rattled.
    Ametis looked at Kha nervously after the realization that she was having a bath dawned in. Unlike Kha, who jumped in with his bottom tunic on, she was fully undressed.
    Kha turned around and looked at her.
   "Kha," she said in a threatening voice as he edged over to her slowly. "Kha, you get back out—argh!" Ametis froze and closed her eyes, water dripped down her face. Her hands were balled up and emerging out of the water. She finally opened her eyes and glared at Kha.
    He laughed and lowered his hands.
    Now it was Kha's turn to stare
open-mouthed at Ametis; water drenching his face.
    They both immediately started splashing water at each other, a childlike play, but very fun. Kha slapped wave after wave, and soon Ametis stopped responding and instead moved backwards, her hands shielding her face from the water.
    They both laughed.
    In the water-filled fun, Ametis was too busy wiping away the water from her eyes to notice Kha had moved closer to her. She opened her eyes and looked up at him.
   "You are one cunning devil," murmured Ametis quietly as she let Kha sink his hands into the water and later emerge with his hand holding her wrist.
    Kha smiled and looked at her exposed neck, "you are so beautiful."
   "And you are very gracious," Ametis lowered her head with a shy smile. Her head was stopped from being lowered any futher when Kha placed a hand under her chin and lifted her frame up.
    Their gold and black eyes met and Kha lifted their entwined hands drawning motion into his arm, causing a sort of sprial that Ametis followed until he lowered his hands and now, Ametis stood with her back to Kha. It was not that inappropriate because Kha wore a Shendyt—even if he was bare from the torso up.
    Ametis looked to her shoulder, where Kha—from behind—wrapped an masculine arm around her shoulder blade and it drifted across her neckline and rested on the other side of her other shoulder. Kha softly caressed her skin.
    Ametis noticed that Kha was enjoying this far too much, she thought of something, and proceeded. She shifted in his hold and started to walk away from him. The result was as she expected.
    The water rippled, slightly disturbed, when Kha slammed Ametis even closer to his body. She was now leaning against his toned body. She could feel his hard chest rising and falling with simple breaths. Without intention, Ametis chuckled quietly.
   "Stay." Kha whispered in her ear.
   "I might turn into a prune—that is not attractive on the eyes," she humoured him with a smile.
    Kha sighed, "Ametis you would be a dry, shriveled grape after the sun and you would still be the most beautiful goddess ever."
   "Your graciousness baffles me. I do not wish to be the most beautiful—it is an insult to my mother, Hathor. I would, however, perfectly settle for the most stubborn or fiercest."
    Kha laughed and planted a kiss upon her shoulders, "you really have thought this through."
   "Yes, I have," replied Ametis with a smile even though Kha's lips against her bare skin was distractingly, as it left her feeling anxious and somewhat incredibly hot.
   "Hopefully you will not be stubborn in everything." Kha chuckled as he continued planting kisses upon her back.
    Ametis's eyes grew wide at his statement and she turned around to stare at him. Her eyes full of humor, "you honestly think you could get that far?"
    He smirked and looked at her, "is that a challenge? I would have had you back at your Kingdom—don't you remember our incident?"
    She did.
    Sighing Ametis leaned onto Kha's body and held onto his arm. Obviously they were tired of pretending. Kha slowly moved her arms off his and wrapped them around his body instead. His hands went around her so that they were embracing.
   "Did we choose this path?" Ametis asked stroking Kha's back as she spoke.
   "We are does not matter what happens."
   "Yes it does—what of the war?" Ametis pulled back and stared at Kha. She reached out and caressed his face, "I know you will not stop invading Egypt—I do not even know what to do with that. I am a traitor to my father and to you."
   "I do not care Ametis! I do not care if you even side with your father. But as much as I will dread the day you raise your sword to me...I would gladly die from your sword than any other."
    Ametis laughed, tears springing in her beautiful golden dark eyes. She wiped them away and kissed Kha. He trapped her bare  body in a tight embrace and kissed her back in response. It felt like the heavens had been born from their kiss; the stars rained upon Nut's blank canvas of night. Beautiful.
    Ametis's tears stained his cheeks and she wiped them delicately after pulling away to look at him. She smiled sadly.
   "Do not shed your tears, if you do not want to turn into a prune," Kha whispered with a smile.
    Ametis wiped away the tears and laughed at Kha. "I think I have had enough bathing." She looked down at her hands and walked towards the stairs. Kha stared after her with a smile. She was so beautiful.
   "Wait—stay here and I will get your garments. I do not want anyone to look at're mine."
    The way he had said the statement made Ametis chuckle. She waited until Kha walked passed her and ascended onto the stairs, his shendyt dripping wet, and his body trailing beads of water down to the marble floor. He grabbed a golden silk shawl and walked back to Ametis.
    She reached out for it but he snatched it back with a smile. Ametis looked expectantly up at him. Very slowly, Kha beckoned for her to come to him, the smile still adorning his face.
    So what? Ametis was the daughter of the goddess of love; she no doubt looked beautiful beneath garments. Heeding his challenge, Ametis rose from the water, and acended up the stairs. Kha's eyes never looked more full of life in his entire life! They were on Ametis the entire time—frozen for long moments before they started working again. His eyes trailed up and down her body in disbelief, surely no one could ever look that beautiful!
    Kha raised the golden shawl and wrapped it around the goddess.
   "Thank you," Amtis clasped her hand around it and stared at Kha with a small smile. He returned her smile and later they both walked out of the bathing area and into the cambers, where Kha waited for Ametis to dress before taking her to her meal.

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    As Ametis lifted the date to her lips, her eyes traveled sideways and caught Kha staring at her. His mouth moved up and turned into a smile. Ametis popped the date into her mouth, consumed the fruit, before she wiped her hands delicately. She looked at Kha with raised eyebrows.
    Ametis clicked her fingers quietly in her lap, "what of the war? I know you will not stop to conquer, but what is it—specifically—that you are after?"
   "You make this hard, Princess," he replied moving closer to sit by her on the lounging chair.
   "It is never meant to be easy. And no matter what happens, I will not say a word about what you are to tell me."
    He frowned, "tell you?"
    They both smiled and Ametis reached out and waved her hand before him, "I know you—you will tell me regardless."
   "Even if it leads to my demise?"
    He sighed and closed his eyes, "you know me so well. All right, after the first battle when Set disappeared—it was said he was banished—it is highly possible his soul was sent to reside in the deserts...without form."
   "And you made it your priority to return his form so he may conquer Egypt."
   "You see it is not easy," Kha continued and raked a hand through his dark hair. "Isis was the one who put him there in that state. They could not kill him because he was a god and part of the first royal family and also because he had a role to play as god of the deserts and war. However he still needed to be punished, and that was the only suitable way."
   "To...take his being away from his form," she nodded understandingly.
   "If only you understood."
   "Oh but I do, Kha. I too would go to great lengths to redeem Horus."
    Kha laughed, a deeply charming chuckle and wrapped a hand around his head, "it's amazing—you're amazing. If only you were just another goddess."
   "I'm family," she smiled weakly. "I know and it is such a pity that I'm not just another goddess."
   "I would still prefer you to be Horus's daughter," he returned the smile with a devilish grin. "One of a kind."
    They both smiled at each other and ate in silence. Time was ticking. Kha would lead his armies against Egypt soon...and Ametis still had no idea what she was doing. They talked more and the more they did, the more Ametis was being severed in half.

Nearing the end. I will try to fit the story into 50 chapters because Im no professional and going over 50 is going to weird me out. I love you all, so so much! Someone asked me about smut, ah yeah I'm just 15 so very uncomfortable but if somebody is willing...go ahead and we'll see what happens. Mine is going to be blandly stated. Hahahha.

-Love, L 💙❤💙❤💙❤💙❤💙❤💙❤💙❤


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