Chapter 29

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Natsu drove his car at a fast pace. He tried really hard to not turn the car around as his dare devil personality kicked in. The guild had just released jobs and Natsu went by himself before Lucy could stop him. He wanted to prove himself worthy.

He got out of the car and stood there for a while at the job site. He made it.

He went inside the client's house where the young couple inside pointed him in the direction of a beast that had been eating and destroying their crops.

Natsu was soon out in the forest, looking for a wild boar like the one he had cooked for the guild just two days ago. It wasn't long before he had one running behind him. He was almost crying with fear as he ran a little faster when the boar began gaining on him.

Natsu screamed a little as let loose a fire ball from his lacrima filled hand. He hit the boar in the eye, and it stunned it long enough for Natsu to finish it off with a fire roar.

He almost went to tease Erza but he stopped himself. He got out of the car, sweaty from running and trying to keep himself under control.

Natsu headed into the guild triumphantly, holding his sack of jewls.

"Nice job Natsu!" Grey congratulated him.

"Thanks.... I'm so tired now!"

"You're lucky you could control yourself!!! Why do you make me worry like this all the time?!?" Lucy shouted as she stormed up to Natsu, wearing a brand new black leather vest.

"It's your fault for caring..."

Lucy kicked him in the gut. "What the he** did you just say?!?!"

"Nothing..." Natsu replied.

The guild was certainly back to normal.

The next morning, Lucy called down Grey, Juvia, and Natsu for a mission.

"Ok, so here's the job." she told them as she laid down a flyer on their table, " 800,000 jewl for the transportation of magic lacrima!!!"

"Ooh! sounds fun!" Juvia smirked.

Natsu shook in his seat a little. This would be hard...

"Sounds ok I guess. How long is the route?" Grey asked, blushing as Juvia sat in his lap.

"From here to the town of Springdale," Lucy replied.

"That's not too far!" Juvia replied, "Peice of cake!"

For Natsu it was a long way, and this meant that he would have to ride something.....

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