Chapter 21

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The carriage was going along fine for just a little bit more, when Loki summoned himself, proving that there was magic lacrima on board.

His hair blew around for a minute, due to the wind caused by summon from the celestial world. "Under the seats is where they keep the lacrima." He said.

Erza was so awestruck that she dropped her spear staff sword. Natsu slid down quickly and grabbed two big lacrimas and burned through the cuffs. (Natsu's flames could burn anything if he wanted them to.) he then grabbed Erza's staff sword and set it on fire. He tried to stab her a few times before it broke into dust.

He quickly grabbed another just as Erza went to do so and Natsu freed Lucy, but Erza re-equipped another weapon.

Free of her handcuffs, Lucy grabbed her whip. "Lets go Loki." She said.

Loki punched Erza so hard right then that they went through the carriage wall. For some reason the carriage kept going.

Natsu quickly stuffed two lacrima, one in each sock.

"What are you doing!?!" Lucy shouted.

"Getting us off this crazy wagon!" Natsu smirked at her mischievously. "Grab as much lacrima as you can!"

They stuffed their pockets, and then Natsu picked up Lucy.

"What are you doing?!? put me down!" She flailed but Natsu looked ahead out the side of the carriage.

He jumped and flames burst from his feet, burning off his boots and the bottoms of his socks. The flames had enough force that it kept them both off the ground and he use it to fly them towards Erza and Loki.

"Ahh..." Natsu sighed, smiling. "I got my scarf back! This is so cool! I didn't know I could do this!! woohoooo!" He was back to his normal self.

Lucy smiled too she decided she liked Natsu when he smiled too.

Natsu swirled through the air. When they got close he carefully dropped Lucy next to Loki and zoomed right into Erza with a clenched fist that was covered in flames.

She was on the ground wiping blood from her mouth when Loki whiz zed past Natsu and he punched Erza in the head too.

"Come on! Why go for my head?" Erza yelled.

"Well," Natsu said back, "you're covered in armor so it's the only thing we can punch without killing our hands."

Loki laughed. "Its true. That is your fault."

Erza used a magic lacrima that was somewhere in her armor to re-equip. She now wore karate robes and a black belt. She picked up her nearby sword and stood, ready to fight.

This time, it was Lucy's turn. She used the whip to grab Erza's arm and she pulled, knocking Erza down again.

She was through going easy, trying to capture Natsu and Lucy unharmed. She yelled, switching to one of her better blades.

It was long and thin, and it could electrocute whatever it touched. It looked deadly.

Erza quickly slashed Lucy on the leg. Not too deep but it wasn't that shallow either. Blood spurted through her black skinny jeans and she held it in pain and also curled on the ground.

Loki rushed to her side before being forced back to the celestial world.

"LUCY!" Natsu went to get to her, but he received a new gash - though not as deep as before - on his side. He withered in pain in the grass just as Lucy had.

Erza loaded them in the carriage where they both blacked out.

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