Chapter 10

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The group went back to the hotel in which Lucy and Natsu became very quiet in when Grey and Juvia were laughing and talking and joking.

"I had so much fun!" Juvia yelled.

"Me too!" Grey agreed, smiling at Juvia.

"Yeah it was fun I guess..." Natsu shrugged and looked away.

Lucy secretly smiled a little then she turned serious. "Natsu! Tomorrow we get up bright and early! we are going to pick and do a mission!"

"Ok, just not so loud." Natsu yawned then whispered,"Guilds are illegal remember. so is magic."

"Then why did you use it in public earlier?" Grey asked.

Natsu smiled. "I thought it would be cool!"

"I'm starting to think your personality did change." Lucy frowned at him.

"It didn't! I swear! I know what it feels like when my personality changes and it certainly did not on the Ferris wheel." Natsu claimed.

Lucy sighed, rubbing the bridge of her nose. "Fine. just make sure you go to bed soon. we are getting up early. Juvia, Grey, you two can sleep in if you want. we will go without you."

Grey and Juvia nodded.

😴 (sleeping face)

In the morning, Natsu and Lucy were at the guild looking at the job board.

"Let's do one in walking distance. please." Nastu rubbed the fading bruise for a second and then put his hands in his coat pocket. Then he dipped his chin into his scarf to get his face warmer. it was a chilly morning. Natsu usually wasn't cold because he was a fire dragon slayer mage but he was a bit cold. Lucy was wearing a black long sleeve turtle neck with a leather jacket that went halfway down her torso to keep warm.

"Yeah," Lucy agreed, "How about this one: 300,000 jewl for the capture of 13 chickens that got loose. it's just 1/2 a mile away too."

"Sweet!" Natsu snatched the flyer from the board and ran it over to Mirajane.

She approved it, with the same bored face as usual. "Good luck..." She said before giving the guild master Makarov another beer. nearby, Cana frowned at him.

The walk to the job site was cold. for some reason, it had been much warmer the day before.

"Why is it so cold?" Lucy said shivering.

"I'm not cold. I'm a fire mage so it's not that bad for me." Natsu hesitated before offering Lucy his coat, which she refused.

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