Chapter 28

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Hey guys just wanted to tell you about my new romance novel I'm writing called My Own Little World!!! please read! It's like my own idea for an anime.

"Natsu..." Lucy moaned.


"Would you date me?"

Natsu woke up with a start. He had slept in Lucy's room to help heal her. She couldn't move, but Wendy's healing magic had helped a lot. Lucy was moaning in her sleep.


Natsu watched her as she kept talking in her sleep.

"Juvia no... get away...." Lucy began to toss and turn in her bed. What crazy dream was she having?

"Natsu, why? ......why.... why.........." she suddenly opened her eyes to see natsu staring at her from the floor.

"Bad dream?" Natsu asked.

"Shuddup..." Lucy rolled over, so she couldn't see Natsu.

"What was it about? you were saying my name."


"Really? I think Juvia was involved too...."

"I said shuddup!" Lucy got out of bed and slapped Natsu. He shut up after that.

The next morning, the guild was still pretty bored of having to stay in the guild.

"How long is this going to last?" Grey asked. Natsu, Lucy, and Juvia all sat at the bar counter. Lucy had healed up completely and Natsu only had a day or two left for his side to completely heal. He already had his stitches removed.

"I hope it stops. I want to get out and do something!" Lucy said.

Juvia had her arms around Grey, who now slightly blushed. "Why can't we go for a walk at least away from the town int e complete opposite direction?" Juvia asked.

"That sounds like a good idea!" Natsu agreed, smiling.

After much pleading, Macarov let them go for the walk. It felt relaxing to get out and do something.

"Juvia thinks you and Natsu should go out Lu-" grey said but he was stopped when Lucy punched him and a snickering Juvia in the face.

"Say more of that and it will be my whip in your backs!!!!" Lucy warned them.

Natsu was awarded a kick in the face when Lucy saw him blush.

"Geeze, Lucy! why so hard on Natsu if all people?" Grey asked as he rubbed his face.

"I'm just tired of people saying I should go out with someone!" Lucy stormed ahead of the rest, kicking a stone on her way then regretting it and limping a little.

The rest of the walk was nice until they found a wild boar the size if a car and it began to chase them.

"Open! gate of the Archer! Sagittarius!" Lucy said as she ran and used one lacrima to summon a man wearing a horse suit. He carried a bow with many arrows, which all had different tips that could do different things. He was kind of pervy at times.

"Luuucy! you're as hot as ever!" Sagittarius greeted her with a neigh. he have her a wink as well, which earned him a slap in the face.

Grey used ice to make the boar's path slippery and Juvia used Water to blind its vision. Sagittarius used his bow and arrows to weaken it and Lucy used her whip to help trip it.

Natsu jumped in the air and blew a wave of fire over the boar, it burned it really badly. Grey used an ice sword to finish it off.

"Yeah! that's how it's done!" Lucy shouted in triumph.

The four took the boar back to the guild, where everyone had a feast of roasted boar. (curtesy of chef Natsu)

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