Chapter 9

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The next day the group was lazy getting ready, but once they were at the theme park Lucy had chose, they were wide awake and ready to have some fun!

They rode roller coasters, played carnival games and bought lots of cool stuff. Natsu was especially fun to be around at this time because his personality had changed on the roller coasters to a competitive thrill seeker. Once he got off a ride though he was back to normal.

Lucy smiled a lot during the time that they were at the park. Natsu was happy to see Lucy so carefree. Lucy stopped taking notice to his bruise as well after some time.

Soon, it was dark. "Lets go ride the Ferris wheel to see all the lights!" Natsu called back as he ran in the direction of the ride. "Last one there has to watch us all eat dessert!"

The rest followed Natsu in hot persuit, while people stared at them suspiciously.

They all loaded onto the Ferris wheel and lucky enough for them, the ride broke down just when they reached the top. Because the ride was no longer moving, Natsu was his normal self.

Natsu sat with Lucy and Juvia with Grey. Grey looked pretty uncomfortable in his scarves and coats because Juvia had lied her head on his shoulder. Natsu turned around and chuckled, then sat back down facing forward next to Lucy.

"The lights are so vivid," Lucy said in awe as she looked over the park.

"Yeah. it's pretty cool." Natsu sat there in awkward silence when he suddenly had an idea. he reached in his pocket and pulled out two magic lacrima. he held one in his hand the other in his mouth. He blew out something like a firework and it exploded in the sky into a big orange burst of flame and sparks that were colored orange and yellow.

"Wow" Was all Lucy could muster.

Natsu then put out his fist that held the other magic lacrima and threw out exploding fireballs until the lacrima was dust.

Below, all the people were ooohing and awing over the "fireworks"

When he was done, Natsu turned to Lucy and she turned to look at him. They both blushed just slightly.

Behind them Juvia was shouting, "Ohh you two liiikkeee eachother!!!!" And Grey sat there laughing.

Natsu put his head down and mumbled that he was sorry.

"What are you apologizing for!? That was probably just your personality changes!" Lucy leaned down to try to see Natsu's face.

He came back up and even in the dark, Lucy could see Natsu was bright red.

"It wasn't." He told her.

This time it was Lucy's turn to blush. Then she realized what she must look like and quickly turned serious. "Well it was a good show I guess." She said crossing her arms and looking away defiantly.

Using her water magic and lacrima, Juvia had stretched her body so that her head was right in between Natsu and Lucy. "You two should kisssss" she said and then she went to go back to grey, but Lucy punched her first before she went.

Natsu looked away from Lucy and they both scooted as far away from each other as far as the Ferris wheel seats would allow. The ride was now fixed and they were moving again. Natsu's personality changed to thrill seeker again.

"This ride is so boring.." he said.

Lucy silently laughed to herself.

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