Chapter 20

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Erza kicked Lucy and Natsu up against the wall. They both now wore handcuffs. Natsu gasped for breath and he had already vomited. Lucy sat there crying, because she was frustrated that she had left her lacrima in her bag, which was at the guild.

"Heh, you guys put up a good run, but I run a mile each day, and more because I chase mages all day," Erza told them. She had only breathed hard for ten minutes before calming down. "I figured I would let you guys rest though. So we can question you later."

Natsu shifted in his handcuffs. Lucy realized his goggles were askew on his head. It looked uncomfortable. Lucy stood up as Erza looked out into the distance and helped Natsu fix his goggles. She realized how soft his pink hair was.

"Thanks," Natsu said quietly.

Lucy nodded and tried her best to wipe her face using her shoulders.

Erza turned around sharply. "You know, Natsu, that's a pretty neat scarf you have."

Natsu shrank back as she leaned close to his face. With one swift move she ripped the scarf from his neck.

"HEY! Give it back! My father gave that to me!" Natsu stood shakily and stepped forward.

Erza kicked him into the wall though. "No," she said simply.

Soon a carriage arrived, drawn by horses. A vehicle. Transportation.

Natsu tried his best not to look hopeful as Erza pushed him and Lucy towards the carriage. Even Lucy smirked a little, but Erza didn't notice.

There would probably be magic lacrima in there that had been taken from other mages that were caught, and Natsu's personality changes would kick in too.

"Gah, why'd we have to get caught?" Natsu leaned back. Then he remembered that Erza had his scarf. "I'm warning you Erza, you better give that back."

Lucy nodded in agreement. "His father, the fire dragon Igneel, gave him that. I think you best give it to him."

"And what makes you think I will?" Erza touched the scarf that was now around her neck.

Natsu got up and kicked Erza right in the face. He then grabbed the scarf with his cuffed hands and sat on the scarf and his hands. Erza looked back furiously.

Lucy was starting to wonder if there was magic lacrima on board because Loki hadn't come out on his own like he could when there was magic lacrima around. Natsu began to enrage Erza even more, and she had already slapped him once jut after he stole the scarf back.

Edolas!!Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora