20 - We Met Again

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"Eonnies, let's take a group picture." Zeisha held her phone up to take a groufie.

They are having girls only day at Dara's place.

Naeun. Dara. Sony. Dija. Zeisha. Hani.

The INFINITE has gone out for a day of their own too.

"One. Two. Three. Smile!"

Soon after they posed for the first picture, someone barged in and joined them.

"I see you are enjoying by yourselves."

"Omo! Crisssss!!!" All of them screamed in top of their lungs, happy that one of their friend came back.

"The one and only." Cris bowed and playfully flipped her hair. "Missed me?"

Zeisha ran towards her and hugged her. "Of course we missed you so bad. What took you so long?"

They took turns in hugging Cris, except Hani.

"Hello, I'm Oh Hani. Their new friend." She reluctantly extended her hand to Cris.

Cris just stood there as if scrutinizing the lady standing in front of her, then scrubbed her nose with her index finger.

The other ladies waited awkwardly.

"I'm Cris Jung. Oh wait. Jung Cris. Ughhh.. Whatever." Then she giggled. "Let's be friends Hani-yah. I'm Zeisha's cousin, but I'm more fun than her."

"Yahhh!" -Zeisha

Cris made a V sign towards Zeisha.

After some catching up, Cris leaned towards Dara and asked. "By the way, Eonnie, what's with the strange looking men outside?"

"Oh, don't mind them. Let's go and take a walk around the village girls." -Dara

"Oh, I'd love too. I heard T.O.P. stays in this village. Who knows we'll bump into him right?" -Zeisha

"Right! And I heard G.D. always stay in his house too. Imagine running into two hot men. How cool is that?" -Hani

"And I hope and pray Seungri is also with them." -Dija

The three of them giggled like crazy fan girls.

"Then, should I call Yeol-Oppa, Myung-Oppa and Dongwoo Oppa?" Cris said while grinning like a wicked puppy.

Dara, Sony and Naeun laughed at how the younger ladies fool around.


"Omo! Omo! Omo!" Cris suddenly hit Zeisha's arm non-stop.

"Ahhh.. Wae? What's wrong with you again?" Zeisha complained.

Cris pointed her index fingers in one specific direction, her mouth wide open, and her eyes unusually large, literally drooling.

"Woahhhhh! Daebak!!!!!" -Dija

No one was able to move anymore because three good looking, hot, sexy, oozing with sex appeal, god-like men are coming their way. They are literally shining due to the sweat beads in their skin.

"T.O.P.!" -Zeisha

"Seungri Oppa!" -Cris

"G.D.!" -Hani

The three men stopped and greeted them.

"Hello beautiful ladies!" They flashed their million dollar smile that made Zeisha, Cris, Hani and Dija become crazy fangirls again.

"Oh, sorry about that. We are not sasaengs. We are just taking a walk here too." Sony walked upfront and hide the four embarassing ladies behind her.

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