11 - Positive

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The Infinite are currently hanging out at Nam's residence. Woohyun bought a new house as a surprise gift to his wife. The new house became the new hang-out of the Infinite because of the wide pool and the mini-basketball court and the mini gym.

Sony, Naeun, Dara and Dija are having their usual chitchat, while the boys are playing basketball.

"Naeunie, I want pineapple. Can you get me one?" -Dara

"Okay, I'll ask the maid for a pineapple juice."

"No. Not juice. I want fresh pineapple fruit." -Dara

"What? Do you want me to go to the supermarket now?" Naeun unbelievingly asked Dara.

Dara nodded. "And I want it fast."

"Yah Lee Dara! Oh no.. Nam Dara! Am I your personal assistant now?" -Naeun

"Yes Ma'am? You called for me?" Dara's personal assistant came in a rush because of Naeun's loud voice.

"Dara here wants pineapple. Can you please go to the supermarket?" -Naeun

"Ohh.. Never mind. I don't want it anymore." Dara said while picking the bell peppers from the pizza, and stuffing it into her mouth.

The three ladies just looked at her, couldn't believe what they saw.

"Did you just eat the bell peppers?" Naeun asked.

"Ummmm... It's delicious. Why?" Dara stuffed another batch of picked bell peppers in her mouth. "Weird. I hated bell peppers."

"Exactly!" The three said in unison.

"Ah.. Molla.. Molla.." Dara just shrugged it off. "By the way, what's Cris and Zeisha doing these days? I haven't seen them in a while."

"Cris had some urgent matters and needed to go back to US for a while, and Zeisha accompanied her. Oh right, they should be back by now I think." Dija said, scrolling down her phone, looking for Zeisha's number.

"Myungsoo-yah.." Dara called for him, aloud. "Myungsoo-yah.."

"Wae?" Myungsoo answered.

"Myungsoo-yah.." Dara kept on calling him.

"What is it baby?" Woohyun came running towards them, sweat beads making his skin shine. Dara just handed him a towel and called for Myungsoo again..

"Myungsoo-yahhhhhh... Kim Myungsoooooo.."

"Ah wae?" Myungsoo came stomping his feet while frowning. "Wae? Wae? Wae?"

Dara giggled. "Nothing." And she reached for Myungsoo's cheeks and pinched it hard.

"Awwwww.. That hurts! Just what is wrong with you today lady?" Myungsoo screamed.

"Yah! Are you shouting on my wife now?" Woohyun shouted back.

"Mian.." Myungsoo retreated. "But what's wrong with her? I know I'm good looking, but suddenly picking on me is a bit.."

"Woohyun-ah.. What's wrong with her? Calling Myungsoo's name over and over like a crazy fan girl." Sunggyu came with the boys trailing behind.

"Myungsoo-yah.." Dara tugged him. "Myungsoo-yah.. Myungsoo-yah.."

Myungsoo just looked at her with wrinkled nostrils.

"What's wrong with her? Had she gone mad? -Sungjong

"I don't know. I just want to call his name over and over." She said grabbing the lemon candy that Sungjong was about to eat.

"Noona that's mine!" Sungjong whined.

Dara just stuck her tounge out to him and stuffed the candy in her mouth.

Look At Me Once More | Infinite Sunggyu | UneditedDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora