12 - Temptation

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It has been another long day, me sitting in the office, reviewing the project proposals and signing documents.

The clock says it's already 7 pm. I dialled Naeun's number.

"Yes Oppa?"

"Want a dinner out wife?"

"Right now?"

"Ummm.. I'm about to go home, I'll pick you up."

"Okay. I'll get changed and wait for you."

I excitedly leaped off my  swivel chair and gathered my belongings, then left off.

"Mr. Heo, I'll go out first. You can go home now too." I said when I saw my secretary stand up upon seeing me.

"Thank you sir."

"Uh.. Drive safely."

"You too Sir.."

Whistling on my way out, I walked towards my car. I was about to enter the driver's seat when someone grabbed my hand. On instinct, I pushed the hand away. Then I heard a stumbling sound.

"Ailee?!" Shocked at seeing her slumped down the floor, I was unable to move.

"Oppa.. Help me please.." She extended her hand and tried to get hold of my hand to help her get up from her pitiful position.

"What happened to you?"

She started sobbing, then the sob became loud cry which made me panic. "Why? Why? What's wrong now?" I hurriedly helped her up, then looked for her car. "Where's your car?"

She pointed the car and she handed me her car keys.

I made her sit in the passenger's seat and asked for her phone. "Help me call your brother to pick you up. Just how much alcohol have you had?"

She didn't do what I told her to do. She just cried there, leaving me nothing but frustration. "Can you stop crying? People might think I'm doing something to you."

"I met your mom Oppa. We accidentally met at the charity event last night, and she told me you are already married."

"She told you?"

She nodded and started letting out loud sobs again. "Is it true Oppa?"

I sighed before nodding. What's the point in hiding it anyway?

"No.. No.. Tell me you are just kidding."

"Ailee, that's the truth. And I'm actually married for a long time already."

Her face turned grim. "You love her?"

"Of course! I won't stay by her side this long if I don't love her." What a nonsense question.

Her already grim face became even grimmer. But after taking few deep sighs, she calmed herself. "Can ou stat with me for a little while more Oppa?"


"Please.. Just a little while. That's all I'm asking.."

How could I say no to how she appeared pitiful in my eyes? I just made myself welcome inside her car and started to drive off. "Where do you want to go?"

"To a bar.."

"No. I think you are drank enough. Let's just take you home.."

"Oh okay. My condo then."

She gave me the address of her condo and I started driving quietly. When we arrived outside her condo, she's already asleep so I just carried her bridal style and asked the receptionist where her unit is.

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