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"jacob! run!"

jacob shoved the gun into his pocket before sprinting through the alleyway, sirens blaring behind them.

"come on!" connor urged. he and the others were already far ahead of jacob.

but there was a fence at the end of the alleyway.


but connor had already jumped it, his long legs carrying him to safety.

jacob sped up his pace, glancing over his shoulder to see two police officers chasing after him.

the fence came closer, and he grabbed onto the metal wires, hoisting himself overtop it and jumping down onto the other side.

but he didn't get over quick enough. he heard the gun go off and he felt the bullet sink into his arm.

but now he was on the other side of the fence. he was safe now. his vision kept going fuzzy, and he instinctively grabbed onto his arm and tightened his grip on it so he wouldn't lose too much blood.

"jacob! oh my god, what happened? are you okay?!" hari shouted, her eyes wide.

"i'm fine! is everyone else okay? " jacob shouted back, his head spinning as he stumbled towards his fellow gang members.

"you're bleeding," adam raised his eyebrows, noticing the trail of blood jacob left behind him as he stumbled towards them.

"where's connor?" jacob asked, his voice weak.

"i'm over here!" connor called out from the distance. "...where are we?"

jacob finally stopped and looked at his surroundings. the seemed to be in some sort of forest. he couldn't see the alleyway he'd just came from, he couldn't hear the police sirens in the distance...even though he hadn't walked far.

"this forest must be huge... i can't see the end of it anywhere," connor commented as he walked back over to the others.

"this is just great," jacob grumbled, his grip loosening on his arm as he felt more and more lightheaded. he was in so much pain he could barely see straight...

"you're bleeding!" connor gasped, rushing over to jacob and removing jacob's hand from his arm.

"...you've been shot."

eva gasped, hari's eyes went wide, and william looked like he was going to run.

the rest stayed silent.

their gang leader had just gotten shot, what were they going to do?

jacob mumbled, "i'm...fine...."

until he fell onto the ground, unconscious.

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