21♢. Eavesdropping Moms & Overreacting Dads

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Zac's POV

"Astoria Miley Lockheart! Is this true?" Her father asks her with widened eyes.

"Dad, I swear...." She starts. "Why didn't you tell us Tori? We are your family and we love you. Don't you trust mom and I? You are our daughter and we want the best for you! And you've always been honest, does growing up give you a reason to distant away from us?"

Mr Lockheart went on. I couldn't help silently laughing at the flabbergasted look on her face.

"But dad I'm not lying. I would never.." He didn't let her finish. "And you're still trying to deny it? Just admit it already! I will accept it" Funny thing was, he didn't seem angry like most dads would be.

Tori tried to talk but he shuts her up and turns to me. Whoops.

"And you-you croo- crook..." I gulped as his trembling fingers were pointing at me. "Oh Holy Water from Heavens, I can't do this!" That's when his voice breaks and he starts sobbing, hysterically.

"D-dad? Are you okay?" Tori quickly reaches towards her dad. He recoils back "I AM ANYTHING BUT FINE! YOU SORRY EXCUSE OF A DAUGHTER!" That's when he broke down into a case of rage and tears. With one last glare, he leaves the room while sobbing.

Well. That was harsh. Tori looked distraught. Like she didn't know whether to slap me in the face or run after her dad. I'd suggest the latter.

"Look. I'm sorry. Things would probably be good as normal next morning. In the mean while. I really need to leave." I say as I step back.

" Oh no you don't you little -" Tori whirled around and stopped abruptly, her eyes fixed at a point right behind my shoulder.

I turned around to see Mrs Lockheart walking towards us with a scowl playing on her face. Oh hey lady, I'm really sorry about your husband's little breakdown but it's rude to eavsdrop.

She walked up to Tori and said "You know Tori, you really should have told us about it, I am pretty disappointed too, but I forgive you honey." Her scowl instantly changed into a full blown smile. Mood swing much?

"Hahaha yeah mom. But the thing is, I was really occupied since finding new decorations for my room and making a huge origami swan, Also I wanted to join the school band so I was trying to play the trumpet, you see? I've been so busy that I was too exhausted and sleepy to remember about Zac here! He's basically zero point zero one percent of my hard and eventful full life which could be classified more than a plethora shedule than the life of a circus clown!" I control my snickers as Tori rambles, trying to save herself.

"Sure, no problem, And I'm guessing you lovebirds were going somewhere before your dad confronted you?"

"Yes about that, um.. I should probably go talk to dad" Tori starts to move.

"It's okay Astoria, you can go. I'll take care of dad and make him underatand." Then she turns to me. Talk about deja-vu. "Please take care of my girl and bring her back home before six, or else there will. Be. Consequences." She narrows her eyes in a really intimidating manner. Now I know where Tori gets those dramatic glares.

"Y-yes, of course Mrs Lockheart. I gurantee my soul that Astoria shall be harmed not at all." I mixed up my words at my nervous attempt to be too polite. I try my best to be what I couldn't to my own parents, I don't want to disappoint other people's parents because all parents have the same unimpressed look which painfully reminds me of mine. I was quite unfortunate.

"Aye, mom. We'll be going now!" She gives a flying kiss and a fake smile. Great. Now my own plans were ruined.

We head towards the door and get out but she had to stop and bid good bye to old friends.

I went outside. It was a bit windy but the sky was clear as usual. Perfect weather.

Then, I heard some shuffling beside me. I turned to meet her eyes but was caught off guard when I felt the stinging pain across my cheek.

Hey, I totally expected it anyways.

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