17♢.Snobby Aunts & Awesome People

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Mom came huffing down to the driveway with her fists swinging at her sides. "Astoria! Where were you? I was expecting you home half an hours ago!" Mom yelled with a burning hot red face.

Shit! My snobby aunt Petunia had come over to our house and she probably taunted poor mom about me not being there.

"Regina?! Is that your daughter out there?!" Speak of the ifrit and she shall appear! Out came my aunt stomping her giant feet.

"Astoria! You have embarrased our exquiste family by not showing up at a important family meeting! You should be ashamed, just because you are a teenager doesn't mean your parents shouldn't know where you are, and who is this scumbag with you? Are you sleeping with men now?!" She went on and on with her little speech.

"You know what Aunty Tunia? I'm sick and tired of your tauntings. Also, did you know that your whore of a daughter has been sleeping around since she turned fifteen? No? I thought so. Now who doesn't know where their daughter has been at night and who brings shame to our family?" I finish the speech battle leaving her speechless, all while Zac still watched our family drama with amusement.

Aunt Petunia stood there with her mouth hanging and eyelashes batting in disbelief of what her slut daughter has been up to lately.

"Tunia, will you excuse me while I handle my daughter?" My mom asked with fake sweetness and rolled her eyes behind my aunts back.

My mom turned to me after aunt left. "Astoria, I would kill you but I'm making an acception this time." She warned.

"And who is this friend of yours and why has he never been to any of your friends gatherings, is he a new friend?" She questions looking Zac up and down.

"Um... this is my brother, Puppy and I met him two mon-" I say, not before realising that this is mom and she doesn't have a son.

"What?!" Horror fill her eyes. "Your father has another son? And to think he named his only son that ridiculous name?"

"No! He's my brother from another mother. And she was the one who named him Puppy." I say thoughtfully this time.

"What?! Your father is cheating on me with other women?!" She gasps.

"Huh? No, mom! He's just so much of a great friend that he is like my brother." I try covering up.

My mom gives me the suspicious eyeball before finally taking my word for it.

"Ok, well. Hello um.. Puppy". Mom and Zac shake hands.

"Tori," I look up. "Aren't you gonna invite Puppy over to the friends gathering on Saturday?"

Oh, shit fluff!

"Puppy. Come over for that friend gathering that I told you about. Remember, we talked about it on my ride home?"

Zac just played along, pretending he knew all along.

"Okay. I'm going to leave you to say bye to your friend. Come back in soon. You need to appologise to Aunt Petunia." More like Bitchunia, Mom said and left me and Puppy alone.

"Great! Now I'm stuck hanging with you on Saturday." He rolls his eyes annoyedly.

"Well, it's not my fault you don't like hanging out with awesome people like me!" I grin.

"Well, it's not my fault awsome people like you get stranded on highways!" He mocked my tone and grins.

I glared at him. "Well, it's not my fault you're not awesome." I mumble.

"Pfft. It's not my fault your aunt doesn't think you're awesome." He shrugs.

My face heats up. How dare that fluffball bring up my aunt!

"Well, it's not my fault all your friends hate you because you pick fights with them on the streets!" I yell.

"Not my fault that your friends don't wanna hangout with you so you have to invite strangers to your get together pretending you were friends all along!" He yells too.

"It's so not my fault that even the Western Dude was better than you ever were!" I yell, atleast he genuinely helped me, not like some other anthole puppies who throw things back at me after helping me.

"Well, it's not my fault you're lame enough to have a fake family with ridiculous names!" He claps back.

"You know, now I'm thinking that your actual mother probably hates you too Puppy!"

I instantley regret saying that because his eyes flash with a sudden pure hurt but he quickly covered it up and let me tell you, if looks could kill, I would be fifty feet and shades under the ground.

"Why you-" He was yet again interupted by my mom. But this time, I was glad.

"Tori! Time to come back inside now." Mom pokes her head out the kitchen window.

I glare at Zac before tossing my head back with a hairflip and walking into the house.

Guess we'll continue our argument on Saturday. With no parents to stop us. Or to stop us from killing each other. Literally

Shit just keeps getting more real doesn't it?

So, how was it?
Incase you're wondering, 'ifrit' means demon or devil in arabic. Just thought of using something different.🙃


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