5♢.Badass boys & Smelly Classrooms

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Oh god! Oh god! Oh god! The phsyco is chasing after me! Oh lord, please save me! Send superman! Anyone!

"Where do you think you're going!?" I hear him yell from a not so faraway distance.

I started to run even faster, if that was even possible, to run without my legs breaking and falling on the road and dying after many cars run over me.

Luckily, my highschool is only a few meters away. I dash-ran and I never look back till I reach the school parking lot. Just in time to see my buddy Danny!

Thank god for badass boys who come to school late like Danny Miles! Cause if Anthole killed me, Danny would report my murder and avenge my death! Probably.

"Hey Danny!" I greet him with a tight hug. "Hay is for horses Tori!" Danny laughs, hugging me back.

Wait, did he just...?

"Danny! Quit stealing my lines!" I pout as I let go of him.

We both walk into the school building together and hoped Ms. Brooks wouldn't get that pissed off.

As we enter the class, Ms. B suddenly goes all, "Where do you think you are going?" on us.
Like seriously? She's the teacher, she should know the answer herself.

But I answer it for her anyway. "I'm going to my seat."I state in a very duh tone and roll my eyes.

Ms. Brooks' face hardens and goes red like a molten lava rock. "Ms. Lockheart! Detention for coming late and for disrespecting a teacher!" She screams.

Late? Excuse me hippo but if you knew that a certain phsycopath was following his yellow brick road to murder me like it was his wish for the wizard of oz you wouldn't fluffing pop that out of your pathetic mouth!

"I'm sorry I disrespected you Ms.Brooks but I wasn't aware answering questions like the great student I am is considered as disrespecting." I point out sweetly.

"Detention for the third time for trying to sweet talk me. Take a seat."

"Excuse you but I wasn't trying to sweet talk you, I can't help my sweet voice and invincible niceness." I smirk.

"GET OUT!" Ms. B screams at the top of her lungs.

Sheesh, that's what you get for being nice these days in this cruel world. Oh, well.


I say as I leave her class. It's smelly anyways.

God, my parents are so gonna kill me if they ever knew. That just adds more people to the 'Kill Astoria' list.


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