Chapter 11: The Rage Reveals

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>Konrad’s POV<

            “Wake up Konrad!! We are going to be late!!” Nick said to me as he pulled the covers making me shiver. Then I quickly sprung up to get changed. As I was changing, I heard a collapsing noise from Nathan’s room. I quickly rushed in his room to see Alex tickling Nathan, who was now on the floor laughing really hard.

“You guys okay here?” I asked.

“Yeah… we just had a little bro conflict.” Alex said when his laughing calmed down.

“Go get ready, it is almost time to get to school.” I told them. They nodded and Alex rushed to his room to get ready.

            I looked over again to see Nathan lying on his bed with just a pair of jeans on. I couldn’t help but sit next to him. I rubbed his back as he cried.

Then in an unclear voice he said, “I like there is so much wrong with me.”

I patted his back and held him close, trying to calm him down. Mother came to the room, but then let knowing that he need some time. She smiled and motion that my brothers were ready. I then stood up, picking Nathan up by his hands and held his shoulder, and the wiped the tears off his face. Then he smiled and got ready.  We soon walked down the stairs and hopped into the car and drove off.

Then we arrived at school and in the front of school, Nathan’s boyfriend Colin was fighting guys from the football team. His clothes were ripped and he looked beat up. Nathan got out of the car and then his facial expression changed in a quick moment. I tried to calm him down, but it was to late.

He dropped his backpack, and in a split second, he disappeared. My brothers and I were shocked, and then heard screaming and yelping.

>Colin’s POV<

            I was hurt, my clothes were ripped, and my vision blurry. I then heard the football players who attacked me yelling in pain. Then someone had pulled me to the side. My vision had clear and Bella’s friend; Maddie was treating my cut leg. Then Konrad ran up to aid, while I looked to see Nathan fighting all of the football players. Then Nathan’s brothers had came to help him.

>Maddie’s POV<

            Colin was all cut up. As I put a bandage on his wound, Nathan’s brother Konrad had come to help me. His eyes came into contact and we never seem to move our eyes away from each other. It was crazy because an inside feeling had lost its mind for him. I could help but look at him as he smiled and his face a blushing red.

            Konrad did the final touches on Colin’s cuts and then looked back up at me. He smiled and asked, “Hey, you ok? You seem kind of lost.”  I then jolted and responded, “Yeah I am fine.” Then I walked away slowly. Then he put his hand on my shoulder and said, “Do you want to hang after school? Maybe get a coffee or something?” I smiled and said, “Yeah. That would be nice.” He smiled and wrote something down on a piece of paper. He gave it to me and I opened the paper. On the paper it wrote:

Meet me at the Kings Coffee Café in the King Harlem Mall. I will be there at 5:30 p.m.. Can’t wait to see you there! Contact me at this number: 622-575-9974. <3



I put the note in my pocket, just as I was about to look back into his bright, glistening eyes, he was already carrying Colin by the shoulders to his car. Then Bella popped in front of me causing me to jump, giving her a horrified expression. We laughed out loud and walked to out History class.

>Nathan’s POV<

            I watched as Colin changed into the clothing that Sean gave him. I stared at him in awe, seeing his toned and muscular abs. He looked at me with his shirt barely on and said, “See something you like?” I looked away with my body heating up, making him chuckle. Then I reached through the passenger seat window to get my leather jacket. Then I felt Colin’s body up against mine. I moaned a little, making him chuckle.

Then I felt his little buddy up against me, and I looked back at him laughed saying, “Really? Just me moaning can get you hard? You are such a naughty boy.” He rested his head on my shoulder and said, “Be quiet.” I laughed even hard because he pushed his hips harder into me, telling me he was horny.

Then the school bell rang but Colin and I had a free so we just stayed in the same position. It started to get awkward so I got out of his grip and dragged him to the high school lounge. I then threw him on the couch, and laid down on his chest.

School passed in a flash and I was soon walking with Colin so we could go out to the Kings Coffee Café in the King of Harlem Mall. Through the mall, we walked, sharing laughs and hugs. As we reached the Kings Coffee Café, I saw Konrad with my friend Maddie. I grabbed Colin and approached Konrad. I just said a little hi to my brother and his first girl, and then left to get a chocolate muffin and a hot chocolate with whip cream.

After Colin had paid, we sat on a two-seated table and enjoyed our muffins and hot chocolate. I took a sit and put down the cup, and then Colin laughed. I was so confused and then he said, “You got a little whip cream on yourself. I’ll get it off.” Colin’s face approached me, and then our lips softly touched. Our lips slowly twirled around each other.

Our lips let go and I smiled as he licked his lips with the whipped cream that was on my face. I laughed and the as we calmed down, I looked over to see how Maddie and my brother were smiling and having a great time. Then soon Colin and I left to get Japanese Teppanyaki. The waiter sat us down and the show began. The chef twirled his knifes and metal spatulas around, making everyone at the table look in  astonishment.

Soon enough, dinner was over and Colin had driven me home. As we stepped up to my door, I rang the doorbell and the Alex opened it welcoming me in. before Colin had left, I kissed and then watched as he drove off into the night. I tiredly walked up to my bedroom, opened the door, and collapsed on my bed. My mother entered the room and kissed me good night. I then closed my eyes happily and fell asleep.

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