Chapter 1: A New Life

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>Nathan’s POV<

            In my covers, I was yawning and twirling around. Then the covers came off, and I looked up to see my mother standing at the edge of my bed. In her sweet, soft voice she said, “Rise and shine honey! The chefs have prepared an amazing meal for us on the first day your new school!” I sprang up and when my mother left the room and I put on my new American eagle clothing that she had given to me months ago on Christmas. I did my hair and looked at myself in my tan AE cargo pants, and red V-neck t-shirt. I swiftly slid down the stair railing and jogged into the large dining hall.

            Awaiting me were my brothers who were already started eating their food. As I sat down, the server put down a fresh and warm plate of chocolate chip pancakes with whipped cream and 2 cherries at the top. Not concentrating on the time, I calmly ate my food. As I looked at the clock, my brothers and I had to leave in 10 minutes. I ate my food rather quickly now. When I had finished, I quickly grabbed my backpack, ran out the door with my brothers and we hopped in 2 cars. Mats, Alex, and I hopped into Alex’s fully tuned Mazda RX-8. Nick and Konrad had hopped into Dan’s BMW M3. We all traveled to a new school because the school that we previously went to wasn’t as good as the family thought. But now we were going to a really great school. As Dan, and Alex parked the cars, all of us looked together at the new school.

            The windows took the sunlight, making the building shine. We all walked in the school building and in astonishment we saw swarms of student socializing. We all had to squeeze through and finally got to the office. The nice you lady looked at me and asked, “Hello! Welcome to Monte Vista High School, home of the Monte Vista Mustangs! How may be of service?” In response I said, “I’m Nathan McCrea. Me and my brothers are new here!” She smiled and quickly grabbed a file and gave us our schedules. On my schedule my classes were:

Set 1: History- African/Asian Studies (Room: 231)

Set 2: Free

Set 3: English 3 (Room: 150)

Set 4: Health (Room: 145)

Set 5: Gym (Room: 111)

Set 6: Lunch

Set 7: Language- Japanese 2 (Room: 234)

Set 8: Art- 3D Art and Design (Room: 424)

Set 9: Free

Set 10: Free

            Then I had compared my schedules with my brothers. I had the same frees and lunches as all of my brothers. I had History and Japanese 2 with Mats, Health with Sean, Gym with Alex and Dan, and English and 3D Art and Design with Konrad. As the go bell rang, Mats and I both walked to find the History room. When we reached Room 231, we entered the classroom. The teacher who was a tall, young, slender man greeted us and showed us our seats. Mats and I got to sit next to each other. The teacher spoke, “Alright class, I know it’s the beginning of the new school year so today in class, I will give the opportunity to meet someone new, someone you never really talked to, and or make friends with our new students.” He pointed at us in particular. Then when he went to his desk, everyone got up and started talking to their friends like Mats and I weren’t there. So then after class Mats and I met up at the school courtyard.

            As we talked about our first classes a talk muscular guy walked up to us and greeted us kindly. He shook my hand and smiled. Then in a voice soft as silk, he jus said, “Hey guys. My name is Colin Ranger. I know you are new but we are having a party at my house and we thought you should really come over because you guys seem cool.” He gave me a card with his address on it. The name Ranger was so familiar to me. But upon contact with his hand, something hit me, sending a odd sensation down my spine. Then as the bell rang, I met up with Konrad and we went to English 3 class. The all of a sudden, a familiar voice said, “Nathan?!?!”

>Colin’s POV<

            “I have found my mate” saying it to myself. I walked in to my English 3 class and sat down. A minute later, I saw him again! My teacher guided him and his brother to their seats. The teacher put Nathan in the seat right next to me. I smiled and he smiled back at me. Then I thought to myself “He is definitely my mate. I can feel it.”

>Konrad’s POV<

            “The guy next to Nathan… he seems like trouble to me. Got to keep an eye one him,” I said to myself. The English 3 teacher called attendance and then class had started. The teacher then said, “Ok class. I know this is the first day, so not to be to hard, I am pairing you guys up in groups of 3 to make a group project on any subject desired upon agreement.” The teacher started to announce the groups. I said to myself, “Ok. Nathan hasn’t been paired with someone yet. I hope we are partners.” Then the teacher spoke “Group 8, Nathan McCrea, Colin Ranger, and…” I then said to myself, “ Damn, I got to be in this group to keep watch on this Colin kid.” Then the teacher finally made a decision for the 3rd person. The teacher then said, “Konrad, your in group 8.” I smiled and approached my brother and Colin. I sat down and greeted myself to Colin, but I couldn’t trust him. There is not way he is going lay a finger on my bro.

>Nathan’s POV<

            “Oh my gosh! I paired with him! This is amazing!” I looked at him and his luscious brunette hair with streaks of dirty blonde hair. He is amazing! I hope he likes me… I then talked to my brother and Colin about what we should do for the project. Then we all agreed on the subject of doing a Power Point on the history of the automobile from the earliest to most recent. As we verified with the teacher, we got started on our Power Point. I tried to resist, but I got lost in his eyes, that looked as it was ice-cold crystal, which had made me feel cold on the inside. As I kept thinking about Colin, the school day had passed and I realized I got home without even remembering what happened during school. I slowly put my backpack in my room, and went to the dining hall. As we ate dinner, we had a lovely conversation about our first day of school. I slowly walked up to my room after telling my family goodnight, put my pajamas on and hopped into my comfy bed. As I laid on the covers of my bed. I kept thinking about Colin. I went under my covers and slowly closed my eyes and feel steadily asleep.

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