-Chapter 12-

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(Swap sans/ Blue/ Blueberry P.O.V)
I looked at Cherry,expecting him to have an answer. "Hm.. is there anyway we could go to his AU?"
H-he asked if we could go back to my home... I can get papy then! I looked at Ink with a hopeful expression. Ink looked back at me with a sad face.
"Um you guys can but for now I don't think going back there is a good idea, Error could probably find you... but I suppose you can visit. No harm in visiting, BUT it has to be fast"
     My eyes started to sparkle. "I can go back and see my home!" I jumped up in joy, making Cherry jump a bit but he was slightly smiling.
      "Ok ok come on you two remember quick, AND stay in Blues little town!" Ink exclaimed. I skipped happily over to Ink as Cherry followed. Ink opened a portal and hurried me and Cherry inside.
     We both fell inside, Cherry fell on his feet well I stumbled a bit. I looked around jumping a little bit from excitement. Everything was dull and less lively from the last time I saw it. I stopped jumping and started walking.
   "Soo blue, this is your place? It um seems a little different then I imagined." "Yea, I-it looks different from what It usually looks like..." I looked down the road to see the big door that king asgore lived behind at one point. I looked ahead and saw my libraby, and Muffets, and the In, sadly they were all dull and empty. But then, I could see my home!!
    I started picking up my pace, Cherry did the same. I began running. Papy, im gonna be there soon, don't worry! I could see from behind me that Cherry was almost falling over as he ran.
      I quickly stopped  so Cherry could take a break. Sadly my idea didn't go entirely to plan. Cherry knocked into me and we both fell into the snow. I heard Cherry say a verity of bad words as he held onto his knee.
    "Cherry! What did I say about that kind of language?" "Sorry mooom" Cherry said in a exaggerated tone. I puffed up my cheeks in anger as I stood straight and marched forward.
   I heard Cherry's dark chuckle and the foot steps behind me continue, and a few grunts followed as well. After some time of looking around we got to my home. I jumped inside more excited than I've been in ages. I looked around and called out to Papy.
There is no other place Papy would be but here! I didn't get an answer  from him though. Ah, he's probably sleeping. I ran up the stairs to his room.
"Um is your bo- I mean brother up there?" Cherry said in a sort of shaky voice. I opened the door to reveal a empty dark orange shaded room. I frowned, I looked at Cherry and shook my head no. Cherry sighed and said ok.
"If he's not here, we're is he then?" "Hm he's probably out doing something I guess." Cherry said reassuringly. "Yea, We should go find him then!"
"U-um are you sure? You know Ink is coming back to get us soon. We shouldn't be running around and going against what he told us to do..." "oh, yea...but..."
     I walked over and held onto Cherry's jacket. "P-please Cherry, I need to find my brother... I miss him so much.." I said in a quite voice. Cherry was sweating a bit which was visible from on his skull.
     I hide my head in his chest. I felt a boney hand pat my skull and Cherry said, "ugh fine, we'll go, but if Ink yells at us I'm not talking the blame.." I looked up at him and hugged him. "THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!"
He pushed me off a bit as he chuckled quietly. "Ok ok your welcome now let's hurry and look around." He said as he turned around and went for the door. "Oh wait!"
I hurried over to the kitchen and looked on top of the fridge. I grabbed a bottle of mustard and ran back to Cherry. "Sorry but here! As a thank you, I thought I give you this! I saw you drinking it at Grillby's soo I assumed you liked it."
He looked at the bottle and smiled. He took it and stuffed it in his pocket. "Thanks kiddo. Let's go now" He started walking out of the door and I followed. "Any ideas were he could be?" He asked me.
    "Hmm... honestly I'm not sure we're else papy would be. He's not at Muffets, or our house, or at the big door were he would talk to king Asgore." "Well that helps... is there anywhere else he could be than just those places??"
I started to think again for a little bit, I tapped my skull and tapped my blue boot on the ground. "WAIT, I have an idea!" "And what the hell is it??" Cherry said impatiently.
"He could be at his station in water fall!" Cherry's jaw almost dropped. "Kid, you know how far that is?" I went quite for a second. "Well I remember, um, can't you teleport?"
Cherry stared at me with wide eyes. "H-how would you know?" He said kind of defensively. "Well I recall before when your pap hit me you teleported us to your room. It was reaaally cool and I felt a little sick, but I couldn't really think."
    Cherry flinched a bit. "Blue?! Why didn't you tell me you were awake?!" "Cherry! I could barley feel my bones let-alone have the strength to talk." Cherry sighed, "Fiiine ok I'll teleport us there.
      I jumped up a little in excitement. "TIME TO HEAD TO WATERFALL AND FIND PAPY!" Fell chuckled and looked at me.
"We wouldn't make a bad find and rescue team thing." I giggled " We would be the best find and rescue team!" We both laughed a bit and begin our mission to find papy.

(A/n; ahhhhh soooo SRY that this took a life time. THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU! For everyone being so patient with the story's updates. I hope you enjoyed this little short chapter. Feel free to do whatever you like! BYE BYE! Have a magnificent day!)

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