-chapter 9-

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             (Ink sans POV)
      Underswap ran outfrom behind error like a bullet. My eyes widened as I watched blue go for one of the most dangerous AU's I made, underfell.
      Error looked back to see that blue had ran for the portal. "H-hey?!" Error yelled as he glitched out in rage. I quickly tried to run after blue. But geez for his short legs he was fast!
I swung my paint brush off my back and tried to block blue from getting through. Blue jumped through the portal before I could stop him. The paint off my paint brush flew through the portal as it closed.
I stood there as I looked out to the empty white void, were the Portal just was. I slowly turned around to see error madder than ever, his fist clenched into a ball.
I walked towards him and spoke with a direct voice, " I do not want to hear why this just happened... I'm going to go get him-" Error interrupted me with " N-not uuunless I get him fi-i-rst..."
I sighed, " Fine I'll make a deal, who ever finds him first and brings him back to there part of there void, gets to stay with him." Error chuckled "Deal" I stuck my hand out but he didn't shack it.
"I'm gonna win anyway so don't get your hopes up.." "heh well see about that" I silently turned around, opened a portal and fell into underfell.
I hopped down and landed on the snow hearing a loud crunch. I looked around, trees stood high with snow laying still on each branch.
I looked behind me to see that the portal was closing, only showing the silhouette of error, until fully shutting and disappearing. I took a deep breath and let it out. I started
to walk through the woods taking many different turns.
      I eventually arrived at a opening in between two trees, I walked closer to the opening reviling a road. "Finally" I whispered to myself. I stepped through the opening and stepped onto the rough road.
      I looked down the road to see houses, and small little establishes like grillby's and the libraby. I walked some more down the road and stopped at, what I'm guessing is this worlds skeleton brothers house.
      I take another step and I hear a loud voice yell, "That's Ink! I know-" that, that voice came from the skeleton brothers house, and that voice is pretty familiar. I look over at the house to see in the top corner fell sans hand over swap san's teeth.
This is one of those really evil AU's so Im worried that fell sans might not have the best intentions with swap. So at this point I'm pretty mad and worried. I kinda wonder to myself why these AU's I just let happen. Well honestly every AU is great no matter how twisted or terrible it is.
I quickly tlp myself in to the house and in front of both of the skeletons. Fell pulled his hand away from blue's mouth and looked straight at me. "Who the hell are you?" Fell said with a annoyed voice.
"I'm ink sans, I'd like you to state your business with swap sans." I replied. Swap sans hoped over to me. "YOUR INK! I WAS RIGHT! I SAW YOU TALKING TO ERROR! Before I.... ran away" I smiled and nodded. "Yep that's me"
fell then spoke, " First my 'business' with blue is I'm letting him stay with me till he finds his way home , or something like that. Second, explain why your here." He looked at me as he stuffed his hands into his pockets.
I looked at him and sighed in relief. I'm glad he isn't a bad sans in a bad AU. Before I could speak blue said, "Sorry, but before you speak ink I want you to know that you can call me blue, or blueberry instead of swap sans. Also you can call this one right here" blue then pokes fells arm, making fell shift his arm a bit. "Cherry! Instead of fell sans."
I smiled and nodded my head. "Got it blue" after that I said, "well I'm here to come get blue to be completely honest." Fel- I mean cherry seemed a bit  surprised when I said this, I could tell by his face expression.
"Um what now?" He said with a little shimmer of anger in his eyes, I think he full well knows what I said. " You can't just come here and take people." "I said I'm here to get blue, do you want him to go back to being Error's puppet?!"
I went quite, Cherry stood there in a awkward silence, and blue... After I saw blue's face I felt my soul sink to my stomach.
      Blue slowly sat on the bed and stared at the wall. Cherry looked over at blue and his face turned to worry. I sighed and spoke again "blue, I'm sorry but you really do need to come with me..." "If he's leaving I'm coming with..." Cherry said quickly after me.
    Blue looked over at cherry confused, but then the confusion turned to slight happiness.
   "But, what about here?" Cherry looked around the room then back at blue. "Well, no one cares about me here.. Also", Cherry shoots me a look then looks back at blue "I don't trust mr. Skittles"
    DID HE JUST CALL ME MR. SKITTLES?! " Excuse me edge lord I have a name!"
Cherry looked at me and squinted his eyes in anger.
    Blue hopped off the bed and hurried over to us, "Ok guys no more of this!" Cherry and me stopped and crossed our arms.
Blue sighed and said " You both are like kids." He giggled and Cherry just gruffed.
     Wait dangit we better hurry error is probably here by now.  "Guys we should really go though so come on" Blue walked over to me and Cherry followed. 
(Underwap sans/blue POV)
    A lot was going through my mind but I focused on what was happening now. Suddenly a crash from outside alerts all of us. Ink grabbed his paint brush and pulled it from off his back.
    "Listen to me guys I'm gonna tlp you to my part of the void, I will meet up with you later!" Ink then snapped his fingers making me and Cherry appear in a place that was nothing like the void.
     There was floating papers everywhere and the setting around us was tan. "Wow... well this day is just getting weirder every minute, thanks to you" I chuckled and kept walking looking around. Fell did the same.
     Then I found another skeleton peeking in with multi-colored clothing. He looked at me and smiled saying a simple "yo"

(AH YAY CHAPTER 9 IS DONE *starts celebrating* anyway! ALSO THANK YOU TO THOSE +500 READERS LOVE YOU ALL. Hope you guys enjoyed chapter 9, so far the longest chapter! Feel free to comment and do whatever you like! BYE BYE EVERYONE!)

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