-chapter 2-

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I was just sitting in the void for awhile thinking about home, then soon Error ran up behind me and grabbed my armor nearly scaring me half to death.
"Ah-" I yelled but got cut off by Error's hand covering my mouth. (Mouth,teeth idk XD) "b-be quiet! I-I-Ink is coming HeRe and I-I don't n-need him sEeinG you..." I silently nod my head even though I had no idea what was happening.
Error grabs my arm and rushes to a part in the void. He pushes me behind him and stares off at nothing. Soon enough a skeleton that's a little taller than me but shorter than Error steps out of a portal.
He has a giant paint brush positioned on his back, a long brown scarf around his neck falling down and around his feet, a jean blue jacket tied around his waist, with one blue eye, and the other eye having a star with a tiny green emerald colored dot in the middle. He didn't look very happy.
Error made sure his movements were limited so I wouldn't be revealed. After awhile of just standing there the new skeleton spoke "So I guess you have been busy." No response came from Error. I'm guessing that he was waiting for the other skeleton,which I'm guessing is Ink,to get to the point.
Ink sighs then speaks again "Well I'm guessing you know why I'm here... You got under swap now huh Error?" Both the taller skeletons go silent. " yea I g-guess I-I did... I-I'm going to U-U-Underfell so how about you just scram." After Error says that he opens up a portal leading to another AU right next to me.
I stare at the portal for a moment. Everything around me going silent, I can barely hear Ink's and Error's conversation anymore. All I was doing was focusing on that portal with one thought in my mind... Freedom... I ran for it, my legs moving faster than they've ever gone before.
"H-hey?!" I heard Error's glitches voice yell but I still didn't look back, I was focused on getting through that portal. Through the portal the place looked like...home. I leaped into the portal with no hesitation.
I fall into the soft, chilly white snow under me. "Ow..." I mumble to myself. I look back to see that the portal was gone with a dot of black ink absorbing into the snow. "W-what did I just do." I mumble to myself knowing I wouldn't receive a answer.

(A/n Mwehehe another chapter completed ^w^ any way hope you enjoyed the second chapter bye bye!)

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