Chapter 12

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"Brittney. Please! Open the door! I'm sorry! Just open the door!" I heard Damian yell while both of his fists banged on the guest room door. That, or he was banging the door with one fist really fast.

"Why should I?" I asked, not in the mood to see him, well I was but eh. You know that feeling right? Like you want to take a morning jog but when your alarm goes off, and you want to get out of bed but eh. And so you turn off your alarm and go back to sleep. Ya, that kind of eh. I mean, maybe I was being a bit overdramatic but I don't care. This is how I am sometimes, and people are just gonna have to get used to it.

"So I can talk to you!" He desperately called out.

"You're talking to me Right now, aren't you?" I reply, folding my arms. He growled, making the pack house shake as he started banging his fists on the door harder.

"I swear Brittney! I swear I'll break this door down!" He threatened.

"If you come close to even cracking that door, I swear I'll make sure you'll never hear from me again." I threatened back. I wasn't being serious. I just wanted him to stop hurting the poor door.

"Just please..." He whimpered as I heard him stop banging the door and fall to his knees.

I sighed as I got off the guest bed and walked towards the door, unlocking it, and opening It. Only to have Damian run towards me, pick me up, making me wrap my arms and legs around his huge frame and for him to stuff his face in my neck, breathing in my scent.

"I'm still mad at you, you know." I mumbled. He whimpered, trying to shove his face deeper into my neck, as if he was trying to hide from me.

"Please... Please... Just let me hold you." I heard him whisper.

"But don't I weigh too much to be carried? I mean, I eat like an elephant, the only time I run is when I'm in wolf form or chasing the ice cream truck and the only time I work out is when I'm squatting to get something out of the fridge." I whined.

He snapped his head up and towards me, his eyes flickering from his normal color Brown to black. "Did you just call yourself fat?"

"Well... I didn't exactly say that..."

"But you did."

"You don't have any proof!" I said in a hurry. "I love you!" I said with an innocent smile.

...But his eyes didn't stop flickering. "Brittney, I swear-"

I cut him off by kissing him. He wrapped his arms tightly around my waiste as he pressed harder against My lips.

I pulled back, smiling at him as he frowned at me for pulling back to early for him. "I love you Damian."

Hearing those words, he smiled as he lightly pecked my cheek. "I love you too, Brittney."


I'm sorry for the short chapter. I wanted to write a longer one But I have to go to bed because of school tomorrow. And because I'm just really tired. I had a pretty bad day, so I thought writing would help, you know? Brought me out of the real world, to mine. And I loved it. Too bad I can't write anymore.

Welp, I hope you liked the short chapter. Thank you for reading it.


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