Ch22 - Punchin' Bag

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Ch22 - Punchin' Bag

It have been a few weeks since I adopted the name given to me by the joker which I quite liked actually.

At this given moment I was lying in bed wide awake staring at the ceiling through the darkness. Mistah J was in his office as usual, working, plotting and scheming on how to take down batsy. By now it had become a daily routine for both of us and when ever I disturbed him I received punishment.

I felt a tear escape my right eye as it traveled slowly down the side of my face and onto the purple sheeted pillow. The door was swung open as he stumbled in mumbling angrily something under his breath.

Jolting up I was about to open my mouth to greet him and ask him how he was but he had interrupted me "Just shut up and go to bed Harley! Just shut up! Your annoying high pitched voice is drilling into my brain!"

I knew he didn't mean it but deep down it still hurt "Sorry Puddin' all I wanted ta say was goodnight." I lay back down turning away from him.

He had unzipped his pants as I could hear and he soon after headed for the bathroom, all I could see was his back, black and yellow batman boxers and how the lights turned on. After a while of brushing his teeth and doing what he needed to do he lay at the other side of me.

Sighing lowly he inched himself closer towards me, this was unlike him only when he wanted something or was in the mood.

I gave in and felt his strong arms wrap around my fragile body as they pulled me closer to his chest my butt pressed against his crotch and his head rested on my head.

Smiling under his tender and loving touch I had relaxed and was about to go into a deep sleep until he began to sob softly.

Swiftly I turned around and looked up at his face but he had turned away shifting his muscular body away from me.

I gulped reaching out for him but abruptly stopped "Talk ta me..."

Wincing and closing my eyes I prepared for the blow but it never came. He usually hit me when I treated him like this when he was sad, he didn't want mercy nor empathy. I guess he didn't actually understand that it meant that I loved and cared for him.

"Harley open your eyes." He huffed angrily and I slowly obeyed.

He was now sitting at the edge his head in his hands and carefully I shuffled over to him giving him a hug from the back. I felt his back rise and fall rapidly as he sobbed harder and harder. "T-they d-didn't l-like my my joke..."

"It's gonna be ok puddin'.." I soothed creasing his left cheek gently.

This was one of the very few moments that he was gentle and weak around me, not that he was ever weak.

"No it's not ok!" He shouted getting up rapidly as I fell back from the impact.

"A-aren't ya gonna go ta bed pud?" I covered my red lace nightgown with the purple sheets feeling slutty.

I felt my cheeks flush around my man when he looked at me hungrily.

"Harley, Harley OBVIOUSLY NOT! I have a master plan to work on but this time..." He smiled deviously as he whispered, "You'll be the punching bag."

I sucked in a sharp breath as he fled to his office quickly wiping away his tears as if nothing had happened.

Slowly I lay my head on my knees and closed my eyes, when had my life gotten this off the rails?


"Now that's a girl after my own heart...with a razor!" My Puddin' cackled as I was given the honor to distract batman from our little scheme.

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