Ch17 - A Joke

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Ch17 - A Joke

My eyes fluttered open as I felt tears springing down my cheeks. I wasn't supposed to see this, this wasn't me...what I was wasn't explainable and I like to think of it as a big fat joke, a big gag that life played on me to mold me into the man I am today. Heh what a laugh!

Jeannie on the other hand.

I'll kill Harleen! I will not doubt about that! Maybe do the same gag I did with Miss Gordon? Heh that one was quite the laugh! At least I did that one to prove a point...Ugh I killed doc's point so there is no way I'll torchere her and it'll be fun!

I mentally rolled my eyes.
Actually there is one thing I had in mind...

She was too innocent and too perfect.

My favorite combination.

Perfect for me to destroy.

A small smile started to tag at the corners of my lips. That would be very very fun! "HAHAHAHAHIHIHOHOHA!" I burst out.

"A-are you ok? Who's Jeannie?" Her sweet voice called.

I forced myself to get up, who the fuck is Jeannie! None of your goddamn business woman! "What!" I spat as I shakily walked over to her still slightly intoxicated with the drug from Crane that she had stabbed me in the shoulder with. My head was pounding and my lips quivered as I tried to say something.

"Who is Jeannie?" She said once again sweetly.

I squinted my eyes staring at her.

She was quite the woman, I could see why would men be so attracted to her. My eyes lowered to her chest "Your shirt is unbuckled." I rolled my eyes.


Then again she did have a nice rack! Hehe. I didn't understand what was going on with me, I could manipulate anyone and I mean anyone! But no, she was different, and I didn't like it one bit.

At least she gave me some pudding, my favorite..she always brought me extra.

She was a novice when it came to dealing with psychopaths but she was no fool either. Y'all know it's fun messing with her head and I do think she's gonna go off her rails sooner or later maybe even join my little circus? Eh why should I care.

I mean- I don't!

Her big gorgeous blue eyes looked down at her revealed cleavage as she flushed bright red and bit on her lower lip clearly embarrassed. Did I say gorgeous? Aggghh forget it!

"So would you like to tell me who is Jeannie or Jack?" She scratched the back of her stupid little blonde head.

What an idiot!


I clenched my fists restraining myself from breaking her perfect face.

Harley Quinn.

Her dead ex and dad have already done enough of that, hah why should I care? What? it's not like I have a heart anyways.

What the heck pull yourself together man!  At the pit of my stomach I got this very familiar feeling, I flinched just at the feels and licked my lips over and over trying to compose myself.

Like a stupid bitch she just stood there!

What the heck was she still doing here it wasn't like she was videoing me-

"Oh HAHA very funny Harley, now hand over the camera!" I shouted feeling pieces of my saliva traveling out of my mouth.

I was way taller than and her, her body looked almost as if broken after I had back handed her to the floor. It really amused me! My lips quirked up as I could hear her whisper a remark.

"What's that kiddo? Speak up or did pop beat your lips numb! haha!" Bringing her dad up was a prize that I kept dear to myself.

"You...demented psychopath!" She screamed rushing towards me but I had stopped her punch that aimed for my jaw. All I had to do was take a small step backwards and she fell tumbling to the ground. I did nothing, my hands were in my pockets as I began to whistle.

Oh it was too amusing watching her try to hurt me back although I could tell that she did kickboxing classes in the past. She did have a strong push to the jaw I tell you!

"Heh now I know you don't really mean that, don't you Halrey-girl?" I smirked, I knew exactly what effect it had on her.

She raised herself and looked at me in the eyes. Oh her eyes, what was this thing I saw in her

A big joke!

I'm not someone who is loved.

My eyes landed on the camera that she had placed at the end of the pit. I smirked and strolled over to it and began to stomp all over it, crushing her work of me. No-one, and I mean no one will ever know what happened to me in the past.

"What no stop!" She screeched as she bent down and tried to put the pieces back together, quickly she unlocked the door.

Pathetic! Just pathetic! A pathetic mess! My pathetic mess...

Suddenly I felt a pair of strong hands grasp my body "Oooh someone's touch today!" I smiled and clicked my tongue in amusement as I was dragged away by some guards earning some punches in my stomach that made me gag.

That girl will drive me nuts! Maybe she'll even be the death of me?


Oooff! Too much fun for one day! Am I right or am I right?

It was funny to me, a joke, I was being dragged away when Dr. Quinzel practically invaded my space and filmed me, although I did break that camera what can I say? I get camera shy at times!

There was no use for me to try and wriggle out of what was a death grip. I was just forced to wait till the shock therapy was going to be over.

Everyone knew what to expect from me though. Not really, because I was unpredictable, it was part of my character! What can I tell ya kids?

Don't mess with madness because I am way better at it than you all are.

I smirked as they strapped me to the electro chair. Ahh good old times, it was a shiatsu massage for my brain. It was really funny how most of the inmates here didn't survive it or come out as vegetables or am I mixing that up with lobotomy?


The scared nurse shoved a wooden stick into my mouth as the guard beside me barked "You're gonna get it clown! Don't worry you'll just wriggle a little bit." He laughed.

One thing he should know is that I always got the last laugh no matter what! I'll wring his neck and snap it like a popsicle if I get out of this hell hole.

"Alpha 1 hit him!"

I grinned and spat out the wooden stick that was in my mouth.

Shaking vigorously I watched my vision become blurry my heart thrumming in my ears, trying to open my mouth and laugh was not an option but I did it anyways. It helped me let out all the fury I had in me. It stung bad but I didn't feel much of it, you could say that I was used to that pain?


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