Ch6 - Love Hurts

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Ch6 - Love Hurts

I sat on my couch writing down and finishing my notes on The Joker and Jervis Tetch. My eyes fell closed but I re-opened them once again deciding to call my mom to see how'd she been doing.

It was late night but I decided to go for it anyways.

"Heya ma!" I smiled

"Who's this!" She barked and I rolled my eyes instantly walking around the living room.

"It's me, yer daughter Harleen or did ya forget?" Luckily at home and while speaking to my family I didn't need to conceal my accent to keep professional.

"Oh sorry Harleen so much had been goin' on today.." She trailed off.

My family had never been functional and it was by far hard being the only girl and the eldest in our family. With three lazy brothers and a dad who got arrested every day, my mom had always been on the edge so it was no surprise for me that she was always shouting. She didn't care very much of me so I studied my ass of to get her attention and got into med school but she just didn't give a single crap at all. All my life I've been trying so hard but getting nothing in return, I guess I just had been used to it by now.

I realized I had let an awkward silence slip.

"Um ma how's pop?"

I could almost imagine her banging her head against the wall in disappointment "He's in his office as usual."

I sighed, we always used the codeword 'office' because we both knew that it wasn't right to say prison.

"Right." I looked down at my feet scratching the back of my head.

"So how's with the money!" She suddenly got all excited but I couldn't blame her, I was the income to our family and so was she but she was old for work so everything mostly depended on me only.

"Good very good ma, imma gonna send ya a bill in the next two weeks!" I smiled, I loved hearing her happy which was a very rare thing.

Our usual conversations consisted of shouting at each other.

"So ain't ya gonna ask hows I been doin'?"

"Oh right, yeah how's yer been doin'?" She asked as if she didn't care, low in her tempo.

"I've started workin' at Arkham and it had been great so far!" I lied

"Oh the nut farm..." She trailed off probably in disappointment. She didn't even bother asking me why I said the line in a sad tone.

"Yeah..the nut farm.." I bit my tongue.

"I gotta go, talk to ya later Harleen!" I heard her exclaim and she immediately hung up.

I sighed slowly wiping away some tears that had fallen down my cheeks. I wanted to talk to her more you know?

Shaking my head I walked into my bedroom changing into my nightgown and letting my hair down. I was about to lay on my bed when I heard the door bell ring a couple of times.

I smiled knowing that it would be Sean.

I unlocked the door my eyes widening at the sate my boyfriend was in. "Sean?" He stumbled over nothing and fell on his butt. I slowly shut the door looking at him in disappointment.

"Shut your mouth woman!" His words were slurred but I could make out what he was saying. "Go make me some food!"

I walked over to the counter and took out a sandwich giving it to him but he forcefully grabbed my wrists. "Oww! Sean stop! Yer hurtin' me!" I squealed my eyes watering when I received a slap on my right cheek.

This certainly wasn't the first time he had come home this drunk but he had never acted this violent.

He threw me onto the floor and clenched his fists. "S-Sean please..." I pleaded my back hitting the wall as he came rushing towards me.

"You know I've never actually trusted you! You're pretty enough to make my co workers drool over you and I have no idea what you do without my eyes watching over you!" He shouted raising his fists in the air as I closed my eyes in fear of what was to come next.

People say you get used to pain.

I don't think I'll ever be able to get used to this pain.

The first slap had sent all my self control flying back into the depth of my head. I held my cheek as a thin trickle of blood ran down my face from his nails. 

I whimpered and crumpled on the floor as a well aimed kick came to contact with my lower abdomen. I curled up into a ball as the violence continued. This only seemed to excite Sean. He laughed and pointed at me gleefully. Every blow sent a sharp searing jolt of my pain through my body. The blackness of unconsciousness beckoned to me and finally I gave in...

I just hoped this night would end faster than he would disfigure my face.


My head was pounding before I even opened my eyes. When I did, shapes and colors blurred around me. I squinted and slowly things became clearer. I was in my bed and there lay Sean next to me.

Slowly sobbing I reached to touch my face and walked shakily towards the bathroom to observe the damage he had caused to me last night.

"H-how could h-he.." I trailed off crying lightly trying not to wake him up, my face was mostly covered in bruises and my eyes were blood shot red. My hands trembled as they skimmed over my fragile body and as I took off my night gown my muscles and bones screamed in pain.

I huffed and cradled on the floor resting my head on my knees.

I was shaking and it felt like my head had been cracked open with immense pain rushing through it. As I reached up to feel my right cheek, which was numb, my fingers were covered in blood as I brought them to my eyes to see better.

Gasping I stood up and splashed cold water over my bruised face, I hoped that by tomorrow the redness would go away. Slowly I put on my white fluffy robe and entered my bedroom, my eyes scanned the room but Sean was nowhere to be found.

"S-Sean?" I gulped and walked towards the kitchen where I had found him cooking breakfast already fully dressed for the day.

"Morning Harlee-" He instantly shut up after he had saw my face that I had tried so hard to cover with my hands. "D-did I..." He looked down at his hands clearly ashamed of what he had done to me last night.

"It's ok, really." I told him my voice cracking.

"No it's not ok..." My ears burst and I though I heard him say that line with sarcasm.

"Yeah yer right it's not ok Sean, I have though about this decision over and over and came ta the conclusion that we should take 'a break."

"You can't!" His mood instantly changed to the one he had possessed yesterday and he had pushed me against the wall as I slid down it slowly.

I bit my lip and stood up moving slowly towards the counter taking a knife. "Move out or i'll slice yer throat open!"

"In command, I see!" He chuckled staring deep into my blue eyes.

Instantaneously he became cold and bitter, I had no idea what was going on with him.

"I'll be back to collect what's mine! I'm staying at Dylan's!" He shouted and slammed the door shut.

"Like I give 'a shit!" I shouted at the door that was now shut.

He did have a bad temper indeed but I've never experienced our relationship to be this difficult.

We've fought before even to the point were we were throwing things and hitting each other but this was different now, I've had enough and I deserved better!

He was a good guy but I couldn't say that I loved him that was a big underestimation...

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