Ch12 - Disturbia

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Ch12 - Disturbia

I walked down a cold and empty forest feeling the goosebumps appear all over my body. "Doctor, doctor, doctor...Still in your lab coat...uniforms, they do bring a certain sense of control with them, don't they! Well...that does seem to be the prevailing opinion among the birds, the cats and the bats.."

I heard his voice echo, so I looked around but found nothing.

"However, I do assure you this sense of control is just an illusion! Or maybe...a mad person's delusion?" My hands searched for my lab coat and from that it turned into a red and black jester dress.

I gasped "I'm..I'm not mad!"

"Oh, but you must be!"

"Or you wouldn't have come here!" Finally out of the shadows he appeared and grabbed me from the back hugging me tightly.

Shock filled me as I felt like I'd never felt before. He smiled widely at me revealing his white crooked teeth. My hair had turned from a bun into two ponytails that reached nearly down to my shoulders.

His steady breath fanned my neck and my hands reached for my face realizing that I had white paint all over it.

I woke up clutching my bed sheets, staring into the darkness and sweating hard. The only light was the moon that was shinning down into the dark room.

"Woah there doc, had a bad dream? Heheeh!" He sat next to me his hands behind his head in a v shape, him leaning against the pillow.

My head snapped towards him "How'd you get in here?" He looked at me with the 'really you're asking me this' look "Right you're the infamous Joker." I smiled.

I had no idea why I was smiling.

I should of called the police or even Batman but I didn't.

There was something totally wrong with me.

After a few minutes of silence and us staring awkwardly at each other he finally spoke up "What's your story Harleen?"

I wasn't used to people asking about me, I was the one always asking the questions.

I've never really told him about my past during our sessions, just my curet worries and problems. "What do ya mean, my story?"

"Well who the hell is Harleen Quinzel?"

"I really don't know, that's what I've been tryin' ta figure out lately." I scrunched up my face, I'll never get used to being asked these questions.

"Is she good?" He leaned in a little closer intimidating me, "or a little bad?" He chuckled deeply, "or maybe she's a little  crazy!"

This question had been rolling around in my head for days "I'm not crazy." I said sternly turing away from him.

"Eh, what would I know? I dress up as a clown and fight a grown man dressed up as a giant bat." He laughed as he held his side.

I walked into the bathroom looking at myself into the mirror and switching on the lights. The Joker had stayed in the bedroom.

"I'm not crazy." I whispered hearing a voice inside myself remark "Keep tellin' yourself that, Harleen." 

I turned around ready to leave when I saw him.

"Get outta my head!" I shouted covering my mouth straight after.

There next to the door stood my dad...The one who was a criminal...The one who wasn't loving...The one who was unfaithful...The one who was abusive...The only one who ever called me Harley...

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