Confession Time

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"The captain?"

"Huh? How did you know?" you looked at him shocked.

"Well, he always got a thing for you-"

"What? He did?"

"Yes, I thought it was obvious with all that winking and how he was ok with the rumours and stuff."

"Seriously? I didn't know. Ah what should I do?" in desperation you threw your head back and covered your eyes with your hands.

"What should I do Kinjouuuuuuu?" additionally you stomped with your feet before pulling them up to your chest and let your chin rest on your knees.

"What did you tell him as a response?"

"That I need time to think about it."

"Fair enough."

"But what does the captain even like about me? I mean, yeah we are friends but we don't really know each other."

"Same with Sara."

"Ah I'm glad you know my pain Kinjou."

"Maybe, you should do the same as me and go on a few dates with him?"

"Yea, you're right. I should do that! A good idea. Thanks!"

"No worries. So when are you going to-"



"What? I didn't even say anything!" you pouted.

"Yeah but you wanted to have a double date right?"

"Oh, how did you know that?"

"I know you that's why."

"C'mon~ please, Kinjou! Please! Please! Please! Please!" you kept on pleading and even got on your knees but Kinjou kept shaking his head.

"No will do. In order to get to know someone better you should be alone with them."

"Yes, I thought the captain's a laid-back guy! ...That's what he said! Don't stare at me like this! Rude."

"I'm going with Sara on a date, and you and the captain go on your own date, at different places!"

"Ah, I get it," you said while twirling around with your chair.

"You just want some alone time with Sara," you wiggled your eyebrows.

"Stop that! No, I just take it seriously."

"Yeah, take it seriously," your eyebrows moved again.

"Please stop it this instant!"

"Pffft...where are you going?"

"Oh, Arakita asked me to buy something for him."

"And why would you do it? His lazy ass can do it himself."

"I'm just helping him out."

"Noooo, you are his slave." 

"Please be serious."

"I am."

You jumped up from the chair and blocked Kinjou's way out. With your hand stretched out, you demanded:

"Lemme see the shopping list, you wrote one right?"

"No, I didn't but Arakita did."

What? He did?

"Hand it over."

"Really? "

"Now, Kinjou."

"Oh well but his shopping list is amazing."

With that remark he handed you the shopping list and what you saw was indeed stupid:

- Some kind of veggie

-Meat, pork or something

-Some fruit, the cheap kind

-Some kind of pickled veggie


-Eggs, bacorn

Kinjou added:

"Not only did he spell it wrong, it's also incomprehensible."

You handed the list back to Kinjou without any expression and patted him on the shoulder:

"Good luck," and started to leave.

"What? Wait," you heard Kinjou call after you, almost pleading.

I'm sorry Kinjou but a man must face hardships like this alone!

You were on the way to ask the captain on a date.

But Arakita huh? I wonder if he....


The shopping list was taken from the tumblr site:

It's an amazing and funny site that translates Yowapeda tweets (non-canon, from fans) into English. Give it a look! It's really amusing!

But now we are finally at the start of a new yet last and final, main 'arc'

And we finally get to know the past between Reader and Arakita hehe

I hope I don't disappoint you too much tho.

Thank you so much for reading and your constant support, guys!

Arakita x f!reader (yowamushi pedal)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz