Chapter 21 Revenge

Start from the beginning

"Justin what if she dies, it's my fault. I promised her I could keep her safe" I whisper over his shoulder

His arms tighten, and he grips the back of my neck to give a squeeze, "Calum you didn't know your own brothers would betray you. No one did, and you did protect just like your going to keep doing once she heals up." 

I take a couple broken breaths in before I pull away from Justin, "Sorry" I say quietly

"Calum I'm always here for you, your my family" I give him a small smile, that he returns with a a smile as well

"Is Oliver at the club yet?" I ask, Justin's smile drops at my question

"Oh yeah, he's ready when you are".  I look back at the room once more, "Tell the Prospects to stay here and to be informed of Charlie if anything happens." 

Justin calls the prospects and lets them know what their job is as I head out to my truck. I drive straight to the club house, and walk through and down to the chambers where majority of the members are waiting for me. Oliver's sitting in the middle of the room in a chair with his wrist tied to the arms of the chair. There's a table of different weapons lined out on the table in front of him, along with a tiny tray of medical utensils. 

Everyone stares as I make my way to the center, never breaking eye contact with Oliver. Who has a black eye and a sicking smile. Even though he's smiling I can tell he's nervous by the shaking in his legs, and the sweat that borders his hairline. 

"How's your hand?" I ask casually as I walk the length of the table looking at the different tools I can use. I pick up a pair of brass knuckles and turn to see Oliver's eyes on my hand. "I asked you a question, and I expect an answer" I say my tone very serious. His eyes snap to my face at my words, he opens his mouth and then closes it. I start walking towards the back of his chair, like a lion hunting his prey. 

"Uhh it hurts, but nothing I can't handle" Oliver says, which is the dumbest reply for a man in his position. "Oh so you can handle a lot Oliver? That's good because," I lean in so I'm talking into his ear from behind, "your going to endure a lot, but of course you can handle it." I continue my walk around his chair until I'm standing right in front of him. 

I lean down so were eye level, "You get off on raping younger girls? You like beating girls? Make you feel like a fucking man?" I spat into his face. He doesn't say anything he just stares at me, which pisses me off. I punch him four times with my hand that has the brass knuckles on it, his mouth is bloody along with his nose. "ANSWER ME!" I roar

Oliver spits out some of his blood and looks up at me and smiles. "Does it bother you that I stuck my dick in that tight little pussy first? Or maybe your mad because the scars I leave behind are so permanent that I know even when I'm dead she still gets to be reminded of the beauty I gave her" he says so calmly.  I can feel the look of disgust I have on my face, "The beauty?" I whisper

"The only thing you gave her was eight years of misery, filled with beatings. Let me inform you of something because you are a very stupid man. I don't give two shits if your ratty old man dick went inside Charlie, I would have her no matter how she came. What I care about is how she didn't want your dick, see I'm the type of man that doesn't get off on pre-teen pussy. I'm a real man, to the point where I don't need to take a woman forcefully, I respect them. Those scars you gave her are nothing but a pattern in her skin as far as I'm concern. She won't remember a thing about your dick because all those memories will be replaced with my dick. The dick she's going to crave and beg for, CONSENSUALLY." 

I throw one more punch before turning back to the table. I pick up one of the belts they took from the house that had nails in it. Without saying a word I walk over and just start swinging it repeatedly, it hits him all over from his face to his legs. I finish after about 30 swings and he's all cut up from it, good.  Being on a roll I walk back to the table and drop the belt on the table and pick up a K-bar. "Take his pants off" I order

I walk over and unbutton the button to his underwear, and lean down to whisper in his ear,

"Want to know what this is? It's Revenge."  I say just as I cut off his dick. He screams out in pain, there's blood everywhere but I don't give two shits. He's getting everything he deserves for what he did to Charlie. 

I take the bat next and break his other wrist, and both of his ankles, because they're some of the main causes of Charlie's pain. He blacked out from the pain of everything, which is unfortunate since he deserves so much more. 

I take a rag Nole his holding for me, and wipe the blood from my face and hands. "Leave him there, just let him bleed out until he's dead. Then dispose of him anyway you'd like." I say as I head upstairs to the shower. I need to clean up so I can head back to the hospital and make sure everything with Charlie is okay, and that she'll make it. 

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