Chapter 27

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Chapter 27

Liss exited the car, staring up at the wooden raven swinging in the breeze.

"You know, I think this place is even creepier than last time," Rob said, joining her on the sidewalk.

She shrugged. She didn't know how to explain how she felt about this place. Instead of creepy, it held a sense of homecoming for her. Once again, she got the feeling she was exactly where she was supposed to be.

"Okay," he said, letting out the breath he'd been holding. "Let's do this before I change my mind."

She looked over at him. "It's okay if you'd rather wait in the car."

He glared at her. "Are you kidding? You want me to risk the wrath of Jerry? I'd rather face a hundred of these witch ladies, thank you very much. Come on," he said, trudging forward.

Glancing at the open sign, Liss opened the door. She stepped inside, letting the fragrant scents engulfed her in a world of their own.

"Hello? Raven? I need to talk to you," she called, her voice echoing around her. Soon the silence returned, waiting once again.

"Maybe no one's home?" Rob spoke from behind her.

Turning around, Liss frowned at her friend. "She wouldn't leave the door unlocked."

"Maybe. How do we know what she would and wouldn't do?"

"This way," she told him, walking deeper into the store. "Hello? Anybody here?" They made their way into the hall with the books and stopped short when they heard a rustling up ahead.

"Did you hear something?" Rob whispered.

Liss turned to him. "Yeah, I think someone's in the room with the big tree."

"Maybe we should come back later. I bet she's busy right now."

Liss studied him for a second. "When did you become such a chicken?"

"Hey, I'm not a chicken," he told her. "Knowing when to cut and run is a very useful trait."


Rob looked at her, then hung his head. "I'm sorry. I didn't realize how much all of this was affecting me."

"Well, snap out of it. The Robbie I know laughs in the face of danger."

He shook his head. "I might not be laughing right now, but I won't leave you. I promise."

"Thanks, Robbie. I know I can always count on you."

"Okay, enough of the mushy stuff. That's what you have Jerry for," he said with a grin. "Let's see what kind of creepy crawlies are waiting inside."

"You bet, Oh Fearless One," Liss said, giggling as they moved further down the hall. "Hello?"

"We need to talk to you," Rob called, following.

"Melissa," came a whisper from the room ahead.

Liss stopped short causing Rob to plow into her. "Sorry," he muttered.

She looked questioningly at him. "You heard that, right?"

"Yeah, I did. She's playing games with us again." Rob stepped past Liss. "Look, lady," he called towards the back, "we don't have time for this. We need answers and we need them now!"

"Melissa," the whisper called through the hall again. "Please."

She moved forward, wanting to follow the sound to its source.

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