Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

Liss headed out across the back yard. She didn't want to think about anything. Not food, not decisions, nothing at all. It hurt less when she stopped thinking. All she needed at the moment was time with Hunter. She could blow off steam and occupy her mind with a game of fetch.

"Hunter?" she called.

The huge manicured lawn stretched out before her, standing still and proud as stretched around a Chinese rock garden and swept into the woods that stood at the edge of the property. The yard itself was quiet and empty as if time stopped and she alone was the sole inhabitant of the lush landscape.

She walked further into the yard. "Hunter, where are you?"

A slight breeze swirled through her hair as if answering her call. She waited. The breeze was the only thing that stirred.

"Where are you, wolf-boy?" she muttered, scanning the distance. He'd never left the yard before. He must be somewhere around there. "Come on, Hunter. I'm in no mood to play hide and seek."

Walking towards the entrance of the rock garden, her feet traced the stone path she'd followed so many times before. She absolutely loved the garden. As a child she felt it had been her special place. She could imagine when she was in it, the garden would cease to exist in the normal world and travel to some far off place where she'd no longer be influenced by space and time. It was a place where she could truly be free.

She knew no one could find her when she was in that special place. It was hers and hers alone. Unfortunately, reality changed as you grow older. She now knew the garden had never actually gone anywhere, yet it still held magic and wonder for her.

"I bet you're in there," she taunted, starting to enter. "I'm coming to get you, Hunter."

A thump sounded from the side of the house, demanding her attention.

She whirled around. "So, you're over there, are you?" She headed around the side. The extra storage garage loomed towards the edge of the property. The door stood wide open, beckoning her forward.

Liss laughed. "Hunter, you bad dog. That's where you went." Closing the distance between her and the dark filled doorway, she stepped in. "You're going to be in so much trouble if you get into anything in there." Her eyes tried to focus in the darkness as she groped blindly for the light switch. Her fingers trailed over the flat surface as she searched. "I could have sworn..."

Another thump resounded through the garage.

She was beginning to lose her cool. "Hunter! Stop knocking things over." She stopped fumbling for the switch and looked around. Her eyes were finally adjusting to the lack of light. "Hunter. Come here!"

The darkness took shape as rows of boxes and other odds and ends came into view. Carefully, she made her way through the stacks, looking for the dog.

"Where are you, wolf-boy?" she called as she peered around boxes, straining to see what lay beyond. "Hunter?"

A crash shattered the silence, causing her to jump.

"Hunter! Whatever you're doing, stop it before you tear the place apart." She made her way deeper into the garage, towards the source of the crash.

The darkness grew denser the further she went as if it was a living thing threatening to swallow her whole.

She chuckled nervously. "Come on, Hunter. I'm getting a little paranoid here. I'd like to go back in."

"You're wise to be afraid."

She spun to face the disembodied voice. Only darkness greeted her. Someone had shut the garage door, eliminating the only light source aiding in her search.

Someone did.

Someone was in there with her.


"I tried to see you earlier, but the time wasn't right."

Her mind was racing. Was this what she feared? Was this what lurked in the shadows? How could she get away from this voice? Would Jerry and Robbie hear her if she screamed?

No answers came to her. Panic rose in her chest.

"Please don't scream. This will be so much easier if you don't scream," the voice said, edging closer.

"Who are you? What do you want?"

"You..." came the answer. "I need..."

"Please," she whispered, taking a few steps back. "Please don't hurt me."

The voice came closer still. Whatever owned it was only a few feet away. Cringing, she steeled herself for an attack.

"I need to talk to you."

Liss stopped, completely disarmed by the sentence. "What?"

"You need to be warned. Bad things are coming. Very bad things. You need to know."

She backed away from it. "What? Why are you warning me? Who are you?"

"I'm your friend."

She backed into the far wall, making contact with the shelving. Things crashed down around her. "How can I trust you? How do I know you're not the one causing all of this?" She stole a glance at the items around her feet. A flashlight lay on the ground, sending a beam of light towards the voice. A rubber sole from a tennis shoe was the only thing she could see.

The sole turned into a whole shoe as the voice moved closer. "You have to trust me."

"Why do I have to trust you?" she asked, leaning down for the light.

"The fate of the world depends on it."

Liss stopped, shocked. "What?"

"Maybe. I don't know," the voice said with a sigh. "Please. Trust me. I have to know you'll be okay, Liss."

She snatched up the light. "How do you know my name? Who are you?" Shining the light towards the voice's face, she stopped. "Oh my God."

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