~School Trip~

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The following day was the day of the school trip so both Myungsoo and Jiyeon have to woke up earlier than before.

"Jiyeon-ah, are you ready?" Myungsoo called while checking his backpack.
"Nae, Myungsoo-ssi, let's go," Jiyeon said while climbing down the stairs as if nothing happened between them at the previous night.
"Then let's get onto our van," he said.
"Our van so there is going to be others apart from us?" Jiyeon asked curiously.
"Yeah, My brothers want to go to school together, wae?" he asked.
"Aniya, just asking, keke," Jiyeon laughed nervously.
"Don't be nervous, your nervousness will attract their attention even more," He replied.

"Nona, kaja," SungJong sang as he dragged Jiyeon away from Myungsoo.
Myungsoo chuckled at his younger brother and got onto the van as well.

"Jiyeon, do you have enough sleep last night?" Woohyun asked with concern.
"Yeah, I do, " She replied carefully.
"Feel free yourself, Jiyeon, you don't need to be nervous around us, we won't hurt you," Hoya said for the first time to Jiyeon.

"Thanks, Hoya-ssi," Jiyeon replied as her cheeks turned into pinkish red-colored.


Myungsoo' P.O.V
I smiled secretly beside SungYeol.
"What are you smiling at? " SungYeol said lowly.
"Huh? Ani, wae?"
"Never mind , you become one of the weirdo lately," he said while mocking me.
"You better take care of yourself, Yeollie Hyung," I groaned deeply.

"Two of you quiet!" Woohyun shouted from his mind while chatting with Jiyeon.
"Don't tell me , tell it to SungYeol!"I retorted.
"Geez,get the hell out of my mind ," he groaned.

I made weird facial expression to Woohyun. Jiyeon seemed more comfortable around Woohyun hyung.

"I think, I should postpone my love to her," I thought sadly as I heaved out a heavy sighed and looked at the passing trees.


When they reached to their school, the class teachers from Class 1 and 3 were pretty busy with arranging the student's belongings.

"Oh, Kims,  would you please lend your hands to us?" Mr.Choi asked.
"Woohyun, you go!" SungYeol pushed him towards Mr.Choi.

Woohyun threw his death glare to SungYeol as Myungsoo followed behind him.

"Okay , all done. Thank you,Kim Woohyun and Kim Myungsoo," Mr.Choi said.
"That's okay , ssaem," the Kim brothers replied.
"Hyung, can we have a talk?" Myungsoo asked.
"What's that Myungsoo?" Woohyun asked quietly.
"What do you think about Jiyeon?"
"Hyung, just answer me!"
"Well, she's pretty and adorable. But why are you asking me all of sudden?"
"Aniya. I will just go to the point."
"Myungsoo, wait, are you trying to ask do I have a feeling towards Jiyeon or not?"
"How did you know?!"
"Don't worry. I know that you love Jiyeon so I won't take her."

Then Woohyun walked back to their group.
"Asa!"Myungsoo jumped happily.

"Okay, Class 1 please get onto bus 1!" Mr.Choi announced. We all rushed to the bus and sat with our partner. Myungsoo usually sat alone.

"Jiyeon, you can sit beside Myungsoo Hyung, also we can chat on the way ," SungJong sang.
"Ah, okay," Jiyeon said as she sat beside him.

Myungsoo cleared his throat only to keep his nervous heart down. "Why am I feeling like this?" he thought.

On the way, SungJong chatted with Jiyeon frequently so that she won't get bored. Myungsoo on the other hand was really nervous and excited.


JiYeon's P.O.V
I noticed that Myungsoo was extraordinary quiet so I tried to break the ice by exchanging some talk.

"Myungsoo,are you okay?" I asked curiously.
"Eunn, yeah. I'll just take a nap for a little while," he said as he looked out of the window and remained silent again.

I sighed and took out a bar of dark chocolate and took a bite of it. I break a piece and gave it to Myungsoo.
"Try it ," I demanded.
"Jiyeon-ah, I can't take in those kind of food. They don't taste really good on my tongue," he rejected politely.

Sometimes, I forgot that Myungsoo was a vampire. I took it back and put it into my mouth and chewed it.

"Don't worry, I like to stay quiet so don't care a lot about me just make yourself comfortable," He said with a sweet eyes-smiled.

I smiled  back, my eyes lids were getting heavy and in urge to sleep. I rest my head onto the headrest and closed my eyes. A moment or two later, I fall asleep.


Myungsoo's P.O.V
The drive was really noisy with the voice of my classmates. They were chatting with their partners happily,where else I'm admiring the natural scenery through the window.

"They're pretty,huh?" Jiyeon said admiringly.
"Yeah, did you get a good nap?" I asked with a tiny amount of concern.
"Not really, I'm still sleepy," she said with her puppy eyes.
"Come, I will take you to fall asleep," I said as I wrapped my right hand around neck and let her head rest onto my shoulder.
"Gomawo, Myungsoo-ssi," she said as she closed her eyes.

I formed a satisfactory smile on my lips while admiring her peaceful face. One thing, I noticed about myself when I'm with Jiyeon was she has this ability to make my inner self to become a beast especially with her strong scent of blood,at the same time, her face made me to feel pleasant and calm my nerves down.

"Thank you for giving me such experiences," I said as I planted a soft smooch on her forehead.

I stroked her smooth silky hair while adjusting my position to a more comfortable one. Later, I took out my iPod and earphone and listened to some music.

The drive was really long , after 2 hours of riding the school bus, we finally reached to our campsite.
"Okay, kids, we arrived at our campsite!" Mr.Choi announced through the speaker.

Most of my classmates groaned and grunted with their sleepy mode.
"Take your belongings and gather in front of the bus!" He said again.

I looked to the side of me to wake Jiyeon up. "Jiyeon,Jiyeon-ah, we're here ," I said softly.
She yawned and rubbed her eyes with her hands. I took a look at my siblings and they were throwing 'you-owe-us-a-lot' looks. I ignored them and took Jiyeon's backpack for her from the shelf.

After that, we got down from the car and gathered with the others. Then the teachers from both classes announced who we have to sleep with.

"Aish, why do Yongseok has to my campmate?" Sung Jong complained.
"As I told you from the very beginning, this trip is also for education and also to know how to socialize with others," Mr.Lee and Choi Said in unison.

We rolled our eyes inwardly while exchanging some death glare.
"Hyung, don't forget what I told you last week," A guy said softly in my mind.

I smirked while looking at Shin and Yongseok.
"Okay, you, Myungsoo, you are going to sleep with Shin and you two are the leaders of your class, I wish you guys get along through this trip!" Mr.Lee announced.

"What? Was he joking ?" I mumbled while calming myself down.
"Nae, Ssaem," I and Shin replied unwillingly

"This is going to be big trouble!" We both thought as we exchange some glare to each others.


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