He hasn't seen the girl for a week now. After introducing him to Pepsi, she disappeared. He didn't even know her name....


"(F/N)..." he mumbled and then violently coughed.

"Disgusting water. The fuck you doing in my mouth? You wanna have a go huh?"

 he realised he was still soaking in the bath.

I'm going to get crinkly and wrinkly skin if I don't get out now.

That's the bed where she slept in...

He laid down and closed his eyes again. He was just too tired today.


"Stiff face!" he said, 

"I know I told you to put me outside so I can ride,"

he put on his biking helmet,


He looked at the road. 

"I don't even know the rules! How do you expect me to ride in a road race when I don't even know how!"

He stood at the start line of the race with his high school mate Fukutomi.

Before the race began, Fukutomi told him:

"I'll be riding at the front. If you have a question, come to the front I'll answer you there."

However when he caught up to Fukutomi, he didn't have a question to ask and dropped out of the race. There he laid on the lawn and thought:

'Damn , I got past a lot of people.'

He was out of energy to stand up and go back, so he continued to lie there.

It felt like an eternity passed by. Suddenly, a shadow cast over him. He opened his eyes.

'Huh?' he thought, 'isn't that...'

"Are you dead?" the girl timidly asked him.

"Hah? If I would be fucking dead," he shot up and almost collided with her head if she hadn't evaded in time, 

"would I open my eyes to see a freaking girl staring at me?"

"So you are not dead?"

"Oh wait sorry, I forgot that dead people can talk," he added sarcastically.

"You're stupid," she said.

'What's up with her? She's completely different from back then.'

He thought she would turn her attention to him but instead she looked  at the scenery that was unfolding below the mountain.

"I can't believe that the first thing you say to me is 'Are you dead?' after we haven't met in months!"

"Huh?" her eyes wandered to him. He looked away.

"I'm sorry but have we met before?"

"Hah??? You are kidding me right? How can you forget me? I mean yes my hair changed but ffs remember Pepsi?"

The girl shook her head.

'She's fucking kidding me right?'





He was getting impatient.


"Ah now I remember!"


"No I lied. Sorry."


"But biking is nice, hmm? It looks like a nice sports. Even as a spectator it captivated me. You chose a great sport, erm...?"

"Arakita. Arakita Yasutomo."

"You chose good, Arakita," she smiled him the usual cheeky smile but this time it was more toned down and tender.

Then she introduced herself.

'That's her name huh?'

"Can you seriously not remember me?"

She tilted her head.

"You even took my jacket and sneaked into class-"

"You have nice eyes you know, haha especially those eyelashes you mentioned before," she smiled again.

This time it was a warm one and made him fuzzy inside.

'Screw you,' he thought.

"Are you going to pluck them out again?"

"Hmm? Why would I do this something this barbaric?"

'Is she serious? Really? Or is she just playing?'

"What are you even doing here?" he decided not to continue the topic from before.

"Huh? Hmm, I wonder," she stared at him with big eyes.

"Don't fucking stare at me like I'm supposed to know the answer!"

"I just felt restless that's why, I guess. You know? I was standing behind the tree and watched the race. That's when I saw you. I think it was you," she stared at him intensively,

"It was definitely you and your eyes, they're the ones I met during the race, and I thought: Ah, I'd like to get to know him. Because if I didn't, I don't know why, my heart hurts?"

He was taken aback. He didn't expect such an honest answer.

"Oh, I've got to go. By the way Arakita," her skirt fluttered in the wind as she spun around. She had to keep her hair behind her ear,

"which uni are you going to attend?"

"Hah? Like I know, I'm only a first year."

"Me too," she smiled, he felt heat rising. That was a new one.

"I hope I can attend Yonan University,"with that she walked away, although she fell down, she swiftly stood up again and disappeared.

And he just watched her go.


So we are finally at the end of the normal story.

I don't know about you guys but I kinda feel sad that this book is nearing it's end.

Thank you so much for staying with me and this story until here and I hope you like the endings, too!

Have a great day^^

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