Valentines (Part Deux)

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"I never thought it would come to this," I whispered, feeling little baby shittlekicks inside of me.
Peewee continued hanging his head, whispering. "I know. I'm sorry."
I remembered what he had just said a moment ago.
I think of her juicy rolls when I'm not with you...Sometimes when I am with you.
It makes me sad, to think I love Helga as much as I love you because you're my one and only, but...
Ooh, girl when she licks my cheek it makes me shart a lot.
Especially when there's corn beef for dinner.

"I guess, what I'm trying to say here, is...Yeah, okay! So I let Helga lick my cheek once. Just once! But I love her too..
And I like starting my pants. Especially when it's my good undies."

I felt my stomach lurch. What was he saying?
This couldn't be true. It just couldn't.
He wouldn't do this. Not on Valentine's Day!
My hands got clammy as my heart seemed to slow.
I felt my hair stand up slightly, the heat in my palms escalating. "Babe, please don't be mad...," Peewee pleaded, his eyes full of regret and sadness.
I didn't care. I didn't care!
I just had to shut him out.

My hands filled with the fire of a million small children.
I felt the flames lick at my clothing, yet they remained unburnt, and the heat in my palms grow excruciatingly so. My hands felt like the had melted off; such pain had only come one other time. A time we do nut discuss...
I blasted the fire somewhere else. I had to. I couldn't bear the pain.
Unfortunately, the person I had reached had been peewee.
I shouldn't have cared, right?
I shouldn't have!
He cheated on me!
He betrayed me!
He let Helga lick his cheek!
He did!
He two timed me!
I should break up with him!
I'll raise Kevin on my own!
I will?
I will!

"Ba...ab-y..." I heard the complex gasp of Peewee, and looked down to see him convulsing violently on the floor. "Baby?" I asked, suddenly concerned. "Don't tell me you're having another seechure. It's the third time this hour."
I felt myself black out, the ground sailing toward me.

—I...I couldn't have done this, could I?—


Yeah, yeah, two uploads in a day? Blasphemous!Well, I wrote this yesterday but I couldn't upload it then. So here we are. Hopefully the next one is up soon. (Part Three)
Ya girl,
Home fry,
Chicken McNugget.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Mar 22, 2017 ⏰

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