Sausy sauce

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"Oh Coo!" Suisidal Jhon said wile spreading the meaty sauce all over the ooey, gooey surface. A single tear fell from his face. He was touching somthing magical. Coo started rolling the meat into tiny balls and put them on the fixture, his hands squeezing the juicy meat. He felt Suisidal Jhon's gaze on his hands, the meat slipping between them. Then Coo heard a strangely familiar noice come from Jhon...

Smack smack.
Smack smack smack.

"Smack that dough who's your daddy?😏"

"W-What Jhon-Senpai?" I was going to walk closer to him but instead I slipped on some slimy substance. It was the damn Pam. How did it get on the floor? Idk. I felt my spine hit the floor and I screamed in agony.

"COO-SENPAI ARE YOU ALRIGHT?!" I started spasming out on the slimy floor because I was so sh000k at this point. I couldn't move after that. I couldn't see after that.

I gained consciousness and I started to see the world again. I thought I was dead. I lifted my head up to see the cracked ceiling but then somthing huge and meaty was shoved into my mouth.

I gagged at the sudden surprise.

It was the last delicious...


Slice of extra meaty pizza me and Jhon made. I looked and saw it wasn't Jhon who fed me.

It was Peewee. Peewee made me sit up. I looked around to see Suisidal Jhon on the floor dead.

"JHON SENPAI!!" I staid, mustard tears rolling down my eyes. His dark eyes were staring into my soul.

"He-He died of diabetic shock" Peewee said.


"Wait a min peewee SENPAI, if he ate the pizz and died then WHY DID YOU FEED IT TO M–"


Wiggle for me, SenpaiOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant