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"I demand to get a DNA test for this child!" I screamed into the nurse's face and he flinched, his butt cheeks jiggling. He looked suspicious but I swallowed it down. "We will," he reassured me, clasping my hand warmly. "All in due time. I understand how hard pregnancy is." I felt my tummy rumble rumble again, and heat flooded vision. I started having a seechzure, and my flame power crept back into my hands. "Help me," I breathed, and the nurse held onto me. I felt warm, safe, but also very fake.
I leaped off of him, spurting a blast of flame at his face. He gasped and ducked, missing it's fire by an inch. It hit the ground and bubbled into the air, disappearing. "WHAT THE FUCK, YOU LITTLE SHAT?" he screamed, grabbing a pair of scissors from his pocket. I gasped and tears flooded my eyes. The nurse hesitated for a moment, before launching the scissors at me. The scissors were thrown away by a blast of flame; out of fear I suppose. It hit the nurse in his cold, ugly, medical-schooled heart, and he fell to the ground, limp. I screamed out of surprise, mortified.
"SHET PADDY WACK TIC TACK FRICK FRACK!" I screeched, dialing nun-Juan Juan before realizing we were at a hospital. I grabbed my extra pair of medical "gloves" and my smock, as well as my needle and his scissors. I laid him on the medical table.  I made a small incision on his heart, and blood gushed out. I used a roll of guaze to stop the blood; continuing on the surgery. I put a small spec of magical hospital dust into his heart with my bare hands, and then I sewed him up with a piece of old licorice I fished from my pocket.
"Babe, you died," I told the nurse as he regained consciousness. He nodded, feeling his chest. "No, don't," I said, covering it with a t-shirt, even though I didn't want to. Biting my lip, I fantasized about his juicy rolls. Dripping with belly button grease. Flabby moobs. I squealed with delight, my face lightening up. The nurse shot me a worried look but said nothing as the previous thought rushed into my head. "I need that DNA test, now, I think," I said to the nurse. He nodded, sighing. "If you must know," he whispered, tears dripping his sexy eyeballs, "they ran one during your sleep, after your labor. The baby belongs"
He choked on the words, his voice becoming puffy and scratchy. "Rapendus Grapendus, of the 'Wiggles'." I gasped, ready to SHET in my pants. I take that back; I actually did SHET in my pants. It pooled into my diapy and warmed my butt cheeks. I smiled.
"RAPEN GRAPEN IS THE DADDY?" I asked, shetting more. It made a flabby fart sound, and this time the nurse heard it. He smirked and smiled playfully. "Someone's excited," he murmured, referring to my flabby shet. I blushed and smiled, rubbing my neck. My face went pale as I realized what he said before. "How is that wrinkly turd the BABY DADDY?" I screeched. I didn't have anymore shet to come out, so my butt just made a very sad fart-y sound. The nurse suddenly started sobbing; the small, wailing cries racked his body and he shivered and shakes with dismay. He mumbled the words,
"," and I got upset, which made me cry also. We were both crying terribly, emitting awful sounds through the room. A nurse stumbled in, alarmed, and saw the nurse and I sobbing. Her face flushed and she gasped. She quickly retraced her steps outside and shut the door. I started crying even harder. We were probably sitting there, clutching each other and crying for an hour.
By the time i stopped, the nurse had too. I felt numb now. My eyes were all puffy as i stared into the hospital room mirror, taking in shuddery breaths. I had no more tears to come out. I was dehydrated and my lips were parched, but I just sat there, staring at the blank white wall. "It's okay," the nurse reassured, his own voice sounding puffy and scratchy from the crying. I nodded solemnly, swallowing. "It's alright, your right," I repeated, shivering. My voice was monotone and lifeless, but it was something. "He's only the baby's daddy, but he isn't the mother. I am the one who gets to feed her lactose from my octopus nipples. I am the mother." I scratched my head, clenching my teeth.
. "By the way...where is my baby?" The nurse looked ill as soon as I spoke those words, growing pale and frightened. I braced myself, swallowing again. "Where is she?" I repeated, steel in my voice. The nurse spoke quietly, a ghastly sound compared to my sudden outburst. "She's with Grapen," is all he said, hiding his face from me. I shook uncontrollably, but cheeks wiggling and jiggling, my seechzure coming upon me. I did a breathing technique I read on an anger management website and calmed myself before it could happen. I sighed loudly. "Alright then. Where is Grapen?" I asked. The nurse shrugged, sighing. "He just...left, with her," he commented quickly, looking away. I see him decide not to elaborate.
I shudder and force out, "I'm the mommy." The nurse nods, and I see a small tear land on his lap, despite his previous outburst. "And I'm...not the daddy." I sigh, knowing what I must do. Two worlds—divided. I cannot live this fantasy any longer. I must be with the man of my dreams. Only, the thought tears at me and shatters my confidence. I feel my words escape my lips, stringing into mush. I wish to tell him, but I am left speechless. The nurse furrows his brow as he stares intently at me. "Speak," he says. "I know it's important. You do that when something's important." I gasp, surprised he knows so much about me. Then again, he was my dream.
"I...I...," I stammer, my brow sweating. "I...can't do this anymore. I love you. I love you more than anything my ever. More than the waves of the ocean, or the stars of the sky, or the sun and the moon and the universe and all the love and words ever spoken, ever written, ever expressed, but I can't do this. You're my love, you're my hopes and influences and aspirations and my dream. You're nothing but a dream. You're too good to be real, and everyday I feel this, and it's tearing me apart, and I...—" I cannot speak anymore, and my words cease, my world blurring. I realize it's the tears that are yet to fall quickly, quietly. I see the nurse start to tear up as well, and the emotion is clear in his eyes. Rejection, pain, but most of all—understanding. I feel a relief engulf me, settling my over-beating heart. "I can't do this," I murmur, my voice cracking tremendously. "I'm sorry. It'''s over, babe. I love you, to the moon and back. I love you forever. I'll never forget you. "'s over."

Wiggle for me, SenpaiOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant