Wiggly soup

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Pewee stared at me, his eyes full of wonder. "Wiggle, baby," he whispered. "Tonight we will make cheese."

"But first," I mumbled, staring into his hollow eyes, "we need the broccoli." He got up swiftly and headed for the cupboard. My heart raced for what was going to happen tonight.

What if...? I wondered. Was he going to take it all the way?

He climbed onto the counter. My heart fluttered. Swiftly, he grabbed a bag full of something and dropped down onto the floor like an eagle. "Really, baby?" I gasped.

He opened the sack. My eyes widened. He turned to me, his eyes full of luster, and said, "Wiggle for me, baby."

He grabbed the pot.

Turning on the flame, his eyes glistened in the moonlight coming from the small kitchen window. "I can't tell," he whispered, his voice deep and low, "who's hotter, the flame or you..." I blushed; a deep crimson velvet. Deep down, though, I got jealous. He thought the flame was competition?

"Am I your wiggle jiggle?" I asked, quietly, full of wonder.

Peewee grabbed my face. "Yes," he whispered in my ear, so quiet I almost couldn't hear.

He grabbed my arm.

"Come here," he instructed.

Peewee laced his arm around my waist, pulling me in close. I gasped, then blushed. I hoped he couldn't see it in the moonlight.
If he had, he didn't mention it. I sighed, grateful. A small grin lit up his entire face. "Grab the cucumbers," he said, smirking. I nodded. Reaching down, I opened our giant fridge. I grabbed the green vegetables; two of them; and smiled. "Now you have to chop them."

I poured a cup of water into our pot. The sloshing sound it made me fuzzy inside. "Oh, wishy washy," i sighed.

Peewee grabbed the big shiny knife on our counter. I gasped, my face pale. "What...what are you going to do with that?" A bit of curiosity leaked through my surprise.

"You'll see...." He winked.

I watched keenly as he leaned over and held the shiny object up to the cucumber.

Slowly, he chopped them thinly. As he went, he chopped faster, and my heart skipped a beat.

He finished chopping the first and started with the next. "Wiggle for me, baby," he whispered. I started to twerk.

He chopped the second cucumber and threw it all into the pot.

I stopped twerking.
"We need the broccoli," I muttered, my voice deep.
Peewee nodded stiffly.

"I almost forgot," he admitted, his face turning pink. I drew shapes on his back. "It's okay," I mumbled. He grabbed the sack and took out a big piece of broccoli. He threw four more into the water. I grinned.

"This is going to be tasty," I teased.

Wiggle for me, SenpaiWhere stories live. Discover now