Not-so-silent Renunion

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I skated down the dark streets of  Chicago, stopping every while to catch my breath or move away from a pedestrian.
My long purple scarf flapped in the cold air, and I shivered slightly. Breathing sharply, small streaks of white air flew behind me.
I was paying attention to every building number, looking for 445.
424, 426...
I slowly came to a stop in front of a huge apartment with 445 on a small sign with a cartoon bluebird painted on it.
"This is it," I told myself. "This is it..." I swallowed, staring at a large oak door, wondering if I should go back. He won't recognize me, I thought. This is useless. After ten years...he's bound to have a new partner.
I shook my head and, gulping, reached up for a golden lion knocker. I knocked twice, then stepped back, waited. No one answered. I knocked again, waited, and I was just about to go back when someone, groggy eyed and matted hair, walked out.
"What? What is it? Who dare wake me up at this hour?" He crankily bantered, and I winced and stepped back. Squaring his shoulders, the man walked out, shutting the door behind him. "Who is it?!" He bellowed, and I wanted to run.
I sheepishly raised my hand, blushing. "Uh, me, sir..."
The man rubbed his eyes vigorously, then looked down at me. "Ah, yes, you—" the minute he saw my eyes he faltered, softening up. His shoulders loosened, and his legs looked like they were going to collapse on him.
He looked down the road, then up the road, then sharply hissed, "Come inside."
I was just about to tell him no when I recognized his sharp eyebrows and scarring personality. Peewee.
"Okay," I said, blushing.

We entered a clean and pleasant-smelling apartment, and I was delighted by the sight of three adorable cats sleeping on a velvet couch.
"Some tea?" Peewee—ten years older—asked me. I wasn't sure if he recognized me, but I knew it was him.
I shook my head. "I only drink Coffee."
Peewee surely acknowledged this, to which he nodded and said, "I knew of a man once, he said the same thing."

I wanted to break down, to cry, to tell him everything. I couldn't.
Instead, I grinned, and said, "Really?"
Peewee nodded. "Yes. If I recall correctly, his name was Wilbert. He left me at the hospital. I've been alone ever since. I have my cats, of course," he admitted.
The way peewee worded it made me feel like a sucker. He left me at the hospital. I wanted to cry.
I smiled, instead. "Oh? And how did that make you feel?"
Peewee smiled, genuinely sad. "It made me feel like an utter loser."
He softened. "It was ten years ago, of course, so I've moved on." Ouch.
I felt overwhelmed, like someone was choking me. I can't breathe. I'm suffocating.
I swallowed the pain and continued. "And have you found anyone?" My voice felt thicker than usual, stoic with emotion. Peewee shook his head. "No. I have moved on, but he will always be my love."
I blushed, and my lungs opened up, absorbing the air again.
Peewee looked at me, differently, as if he saw me as a friend.
"You wouldn't happen to know him, would you?" He asked solemnly.
I lit up. "Oh, I do, actually. I'll let him know of you." Something in peewee shifted.
"I'd like that," he said, "very much."

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