Meet Wilbert

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Hi. My name is Wilbert. I feel like people often forget I exist, just like my dad did when he went to grab 'milk'. He never came back.
[Why did you join the wiggles?]
I was snorting pita chips, and PeeWee (that hawt sexy thang) walked passed me. I couldn't resist so I came and walked to him. He was upset because his butt hurt from making spaghetti, and because they needed one last spot for the wiggles and no one wanted to do it. So I singed up I guess. I like corn.
[Family life]
Ahem. WhenIWasAYungBoiMyFatherWentToGetSomeMilkButHeNeverCameBackAndMyMomCommitedSuicideAndMyBrotherDiedOfType10DiabetesAndIWasHomelessForFourtySevenYearsAndITacleledABabyThenIHadCripplingDepressionAndEreryyhingIsShizzleFraxkleCracklePuddlyMuddlyHorrible.

bYe lUvS:)

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