His Dream.

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"Baby," Wiggle whispers into my ear as I stare down at my pregnant belly. Little baby shittlekicks is resting inside of me, his small heart beating. I feel heat flush my cheeks. "I'm going to be a daddy," I whisper, my breath hitching.
Peewee smiles gingerly. "You were always a baby daddy to me," he says suddenly, and smirks. I slap his arm lightly, rolling my eyes. "Raped Grapen did it when I was asleep, I didn't know." Peewee smiled, his lips curling like my toenails. "Babe, I know. I forgive you." His beautiful hair made me blush with excitement. Sometimes I cut some and collected it in a bag when he slept. He's so beautiful, isn't he?
"Babe, were calling him Kevin, after my little wart on my toe," I said. Peewee nodded, his eyes lifting  up. He moaned for a second, rubbing his neck. "Good idea! I love Kevin." He slurped his tongue on my toenail, winking. I felt a small hand creep up my back and smother my mouth. I didn't scream. It was just helga, the fat janitor, coming to lick my cheek again. They put me in the electric chair sometimes, but I was WILBERTO so it didn't affect me.
I fell asleep.

Wiggle for me, SenpaiWhere stories live. Discover now