///Chapter 22///

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*Lauryn's POV*

I quickly took like mini shower & got out.

I opened the door with the towel around my body once again & saw Kevin sitting on my bed seriously & looking at my phone.

What's he doing?

I walked over to him as he raised his head & looked at me with worry in his eyes.

He held up my screen up to my face & I could not believe what it said.

Unknown Number: Lust is pleasure & a sin....get ready for your punishment. You'll definitely feel some fire in your bones once I'm done with u. ~Sweet Dreams ❤️

I felt tears almost form in my eyes.

Who could be doing this to me?!

"Lauryn....do u know who this is?", he asked.

I nodded my head no.

"Has this person texted u like this before?", he asked.

I nodded my head yes. 😔

"When?!", he asks putting his pants on & ready to find this person.

I signed with my hand, "The day when Danielle was hit. They texted me basically admitting that something bad has happened."

"This could be only one person, Gabriel! I swear! What's his address? I'm not gonna be hold back this time!👿", he says putting on his shoes & shirt.

"No.", I signed with my hand.

"Why not?! He's threatening u & HAS threatened Danielle, he deserves to be served a plate of his own ass!", he states angrily.

"The sun's about to set which means Danielle is gonna be signed out of the hospital. Let's wait 'till everyone is together to talk about this. Besides it could be Alicia for all we know.", I signed with my hands.

"Fine. But if I see him even a mile away, I'm swinging.", he states.
"I'll wait for u in my car.", he continues.

He closes my bedroom door & leaves downstairs.

I swear Gabriel, if this is u.......

(2 Hours Later)

We are currently at Devin's house. We signed Danielle out & now sitting on a couch with Danielle, Athena, Daniel, Devin, & Lexi. Jazzy is upstairs 'cause she didn't need to hear this.

Kevin had just explained to everyone about the texts this person sent & everything.


"So you're telling me.....GABRIEL IS THE ONE WHO RAN ME OVER?!👿", Danielle yells about to get up but Devin gently pulls her back.

"Well, Gabriel or Alicia.", Kevin states.

"That's even better! Let me go so I can rip those transplants out of her fake ass body!", Danielle screams struggling from Devin's grip.

"Aside from that, what are u gonna do? The punishment for committing the sin of lust in the Bible is drowning in a big bowl of hot fire from hell. Is it literal? When? Where? How?", Daniel says asking billions of questions.

"Should we tell our parents? Maybe the police can do something about this?", Lexi suggests.

I nod my head no.

"Why not?", Lexi asked.

I looked down.

I signed with my hands, "If it is Gabriel, I want to talk to him.....alone."

"Are ya crazy?!", Athena exclaimed.
"What actually makes u think we gonna let u talk to this nigga alone?!", Kevin exclaims as well.

"Wait, she wants to talk to Gabriel, ALONE?!", Daniel states loudly.

I nod my head yes.

"The only person who's gonna have a talk with him is me & my fist! Actually, there's not gonna be a whole lotta talking after all.", Danielle states angrily.
"Lauryn, u can't actually think about even being a mile within the guy, he raped u.....& abused u......aren't u scared?", Athena asks.

Am I scared? Why aren't I scared? I just need to......talk with him. He was my first love.....the person who took away my virginity.....I refuse for him to be the one to take away my life. I loved him.....I wanted to have children with him.....all those dreams don't just go down the drain without an explanation! That's why I need to have a talk with him! But how will I? They'll never let me..........

That's when, an idea finally popped in my head.

I lifted my right hand & signed, "I need some water."

I got up & headed for the kitchen.

My heart exhilarated as I thought Kevin or one of them was gonna follow me but they didn't.

My hand reaches closer & closer to the back door of Dev's kitchen which led to the backyard, which has a path to the front.

I managed to open the door without making any noise.
I look in the back of me to make sure nobody was spying me or noticed me trying to leave.

I first put my foot out the door, then half my body & then the rest until I saw the trees & felt grass under my feet.

I closed the backdoor completely & slowly.


I heard the click sound which meant it was closed.

I didn't waste any time & ran on the path which lead to the front yard.

I saw Kevin's car & took out his keys.

I opened the car door & jumped in.

I had stolen his keys when he was distracted talking to everyone.

I feel bad but I need to do this.

I fastened my seat belt & took out my phone.

I went to the message the unknown number had sent & started typing.

Me: Gabriel, I know this is u. I'm lost.....keep your promise & show up.

I turned off my phone & started the engine.

I stepped on the pedal & took off.

My sweaty hands were tucked tight of the wheel & my eyes were focused on the road.

Keep your promise, Gabriel......I'm lost.......

To Be Continued......

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