///Chapter 10///

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I turned around an-
No, no, no, no, no, no, NOOOOOOO! Why is he here?!?!?!

"Hey Lauryn.", he says smiling.

I signed, "Hey.....Kevin. What are u doing here?" 😬😬😬
Don't get me wrong, I'm glad he's here. But HOW & WHY is he here?! It's just mathematically impossible!

"Well, while u were in the bathroom at the mall, Tuesday, Danielle invited us to this party. She said it was someone's birthday.", Kevin says as Daniel & Devin come waving at me from the car.

"Hey Lauryn!", Daniels says hugging me.
I hugged him back.

I signed to Kevin, "Yeah it is someone's birthday...it's-"
I was interrupted by a voice coming from the door.

"Baby! What are u doing out here? Who are they?", i hear Gabriel say as he walked closer to us. He put his arm around my shoulder.

I signed to Kevin, "It's actually my boyfriend's birthday party...Gabriel."
I pointed at Gabriel.

"Oh...your Lauryn's boyfriend....", Kevin stated again making me almost want to say, "No way in HELL is he my boyfriend!"

"Yeah, we've been dating for 3 months now.", Gabe states.
"Anyways, come inside! We have a great game of tequila going on out back!", Gabriel says as Daniel & Devin already went bouncing in.

Kevin followed behind them.
"Well, see ya later Lauryn!", he said waving back. I smiled & waved.

"Who are they?", Gabe whispered in my ear deviously.

I signed to him, "They are customers who go to the flower shop often & Danielle & Athena know them, they're like brothers to them & me."

"They better be just brothers. Or I'll be showing them a new game, "Kill or Be Killed." And that guy who waved back to u is going round 1 with me.", he says gritting his teeth than making me walk back inside almost forcefully.

I don't like where this night is going....not at all.......😰😰😰

(20 Minutes Later)

I was dancing with Danielle & Athena, whom which I FINALLY found.
I asked them u know...WHY IN THE ACTUAL HELL, would they invite the guys?!
And they answered laughing & I'm like, "Really?". 😒
But they said finally that they thought they should come 'cause they seemed nice.

I let it go for just this time & just kept swaying my hips to the music.

I then felt a hand touch my shoulder & saw Kevin. I apparently was drunk 'cause he & I started dancing...TOGETHER!

Looking back at it now, I wonder to myself, "I'm stupid.", but then again at the time, I was kinda happy that he was there. Don't know why......

After him & I being so close, I felt a hand grab ahold of mines so violently I almost had an immediate heart attack.

I looked up to see Gabriel.
Now that's when I realized I had fucked up....BIG time.

Gabriel pulled me away from Kevin as he dragged me outside.
I could hear & see Kevin a bit confused & worried from the distance.

But my eyes were only focused on the red fumes & negative energy that was coming out of Gabriel as he & I speed-walked to his car.

He opened the door & basically THREW me in then slamming the door.
I saw Kevin run outside of the house & see Gabriel get inside with me.
Before Kevin could even move another inch, Gabriel zoomed outta there leaving me worried to the death....for me.

The whole ride, Gabriel didn't say anything....anything.
It felt like a ghost was driving the car or it seemed like he might as well be mute also.
But I knew that his anger spoke louder than the devil those 5 Minutes in there with him.

My palms were giving off literally steam & I felt like my heels were about to slip off from the sweat coming from every part of my body.
I didn't even move my head! I spent the entire time looking straight forward...not down, up, & didn't even think about looking at him.

After those 5 minutes in there with him, we had arrived to my house?
TBH, I don't know how he knew that my dads weren't home 'cause I never told him.

He got out the car & opened the door for me.
He grabbed me by the arm & pulled me out the car & dragged me to the door.

"Open it!👿", he yelled startling me.
I nervously took out the jangling keys from my pocket & unlocked my door.

The door opened slowly & was slammed into the wall by Gabriel's hand.
He pushed me into my house & then slammed the door behind him.

I landed & started sliding on the couch's carpet which could've most likely scraped my knee 'cause it stung.
He looked like the devil as he walked over with his body towering me.

I shook my head back & forth but he didn't listen.
He grabbed me by the arm & yanked me back up straight in my feet.
I tried to get out of his grip but it was too tight.
I limped as he pushed me towards the stairs.

Lauryn....defend yourself.....

I took my opportunity & kicked him in the balls with my heel.

I started up the stairs but felt his hand pulled my foot back down.
"Get back here!", he strains.
My heel loosened causing him to fall back on his butt.

I ran up the stairs one-heeled & headed towards my room.


I slammed & locked my bedroom door.
I quickly took out my phone from my pocket & unlocked my phone.
I heard Gabriel screaming & banging on the door.

I went to my messages & just as I was about to text Danielle or Athena or actually anyone...I heard a loud boom come directly on my right.

Gabriel had knocked down the door.
He ran to me & tried to grab my phone.

As I turned around, I tripped & fell.
My phone fell outta my hand & I tried to get up to go get it but Gabriel pulled my entire leg back.
I stretched my arm towards it until I grabbed my last heel real quick & threw it at his head to buy me at least 3 seconds.

He groans in pain as I got up, grabbed my phone & headed to my bathroom.

My whole body back-fired on me as I slipped backwards.
I must've had slipped on some leftover water droplets from earlier when I took a shower.

My head bashed on the edge of my bathroom sink.
I felt myself getting dizzy as my whole body started losing consciousness.

(Blacks Out)

To Be Continued.....

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