///Chapter 16///

204 16 13

(The Next Day)

(Honk Honk)

"Move it!", a middle-aged man yells at me through his car window as the light just turned green like 0.0000001 seconds ago.
I rolled my eyes 🙄 & drove.
I drove & drove until I stopped at the student's parking lot.

I saw an opened parking space & turned on my signal.
Just as I was about to go in, a shiny, red mustang cut me off & parked in space instead.
I honked as my whole body pushed forward & back caused by the sudden halt I had to do.
I looked to see who was driving & it was non other than Alicia Reed & her horrible bitchy-ness.

"Oops! Sorry, I stole your parking space just like I stole your boyfriend, bitch!", she yelled from her window as I spotted Gabriel in shotgun.
I could see his gaze was towards me.

If I could talk, I would mention that someone stole her eyebrows as well but I'm sure she'll live.....

I backed up & drove around the parking lot until I found an empty parking space...finally.
I had gotten my new car a few days ago but didn't want to drive it 'cause I like saving energy.

I got out my black, Ford Taurus & closed the car door.
I clutch the end strip of my bag tight as I saw both Gabriel & Alicia get out of her car.
I rolled my eyes at the most "perfect" couple.
Gabriel's boys, Matthew & Gerome, walked beside him as all five of them, including Alicia's best friend, started walking slowly into the school, & by the looks upon everyone's faces, it seems like they were doing the weird, slow-motion shit.

They were behind me so I got into the school first.
Everyone looked surprised by the fact that Gabriel wasn't by my side scolding at any guy who made eye-contact.

I could see Danielle & Athena awaiting for me at my locker.

I waved at them & we all started walking together.

But despite all of this, I could not ignore the fact that Gabriel was staring me down this whole time.
As I walked off with my friends, he & I exchanged a momentary glance at each other.
I could not shake the feeling off of me & I could make many emotions just by looking into his eyes.

Alicia may like him....but doesn't know him like I do. He knows damn well that I was the only person who ever truly cared about him & knew him like the back of my hand & he just gonna do me like that.....I'm so glad he's now out of my life forever.

(Skip to First Period)

(Bell Rings)

I walked into the classroom & stopped right in my tracks.
I had just remembered that I sit right next to those fuckboys & I basically can't sit with them anymore.

I waltzed myself towards the back of the class but on the opposite side of trouble.

I laid my bag beside me & took out my notebook for Calculus.
As I was about to take out my pencil, two loud voices came booming into the class.

It was Gerome & Matthew.

They had quite down once they just took one look at me.
It was hard to see if they know what had happened or had they just found out that Gabriel was doing activities with me or.......had they been knew that?

I looked away from their gazes & towards the wall that was just about 10 inches from my reach.

Two shadows blocked my area of light.
I looked up to see them both standing there calmly.

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