///Chapter 7///

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(The Next Day)

I decided not to go to school today.
Sure, it's pretty weird skipping school when it's only a Tuesday, but I have very good reason.

"Down there", is sore from how hard he banged it last night & I can barely move my legs this morning, u can thank Gabe for that. 😒😒😒

I have spent this last hour going through my messages from Kevin one last time before deleting them.


No more trouble from Gabe for a while.
I grab my sore self from the bed & head to my bathroom.

Ha....my hip's been killing me this morning....
I lift my t-shirt up & take a look at my hip in the mirror.

"Oh...hell...no.....", I whispered aloud unable to believe what I was seeing through the mirror.

", I whispered aloud unable to believe what I was seeing through the mirror

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I must've gotten it when Gabriel pushed me against the wall....but still! How the hell am I supposed to get past my dads these next few weeks without them spotting this big-ass mark on my hip?!
Ohhhh, Gabriel! I swear, if I go down u are going down with me!

I stomp my way over to my bed & throw myself down wondering what the fuck I should do now.

(Bizzz, Bizzz, Bizzz, Bizzz)

My phone buzzed signifying that someone texted me.
I looked at the screen & chuckled.
"Speak of the devil.", I said looking at the text.
It was Gabriel.

🙃Bae💘😈: Baby, where are u?😩 I can't find u in the parking lot nowhere.

Me: I've decided to stay home today.

🙃Bae💘😈: Why? Are u ok? Is something wrong? Do u need me to skip as well cause like I can.....

Me: No it's just that.....u know....I'm sore down there😳😳😳

🙃Bae💘😈: 😂😂😂i dicked my baby down good than huh.....😏

Me: Also bruised.....I must've hit the wall when u.....u know.....😐😐😐

🙃Bae💘😈: 😔😔😔I'm sorry baby....forgive me I was careless. I understand, but I'll come visit u right after school 😩😘😘😘 love u bye

Me: Bye 🙃🙃🙃

I turned off my phone & sighed on the bed.

(Knock, Knock)

I got up wondering who could it be & opened the door.

"OMG Lauryn!😫You didn't come to school & we were both worried sick! So we knocked on the door & your dads let us in. Are u ok?!", Danielle yelled in my ear as her & Athena gave me tight hugs.

I signed, "I'm fine. Just a little tired that's all."
They nodded.
"Well, we decided to skip school as well since u weren't coming.", Athena said laying on my bed.
"Yeah! Besides, skipping once in a while is good for a teenager. We have to live a little ya feel me!", Danielle says smiling.

We all sat down in my bed & took out our phones.

"Ohhhhh! I know! We should go to the mall today. I saw this really cute dress I want to buy for Gabriel's birthday party this weekend.", Athena states.
"Yeah, that's a great idea. Your coming right Lauryn? I mean, it's your boyfriend's birthday.", Danielle said.

I signed, "Yeah. Since Gerome & Matthew are throwing it at Matthew's house, there's gonna be a lot of drunks & dancing. I should probably buy a dress too."

"Yeah, so u can give Gabriel a birthday surprise afterwards too....😏😏😏", Daniella smirks making Athena laugh.
I blushed.
"Anyways, let's go!", Athena said getting up.

I putting on my uggs, fixed my hair a bit, & grabbed my keys & phone.

By now, both my dads must've left for work so we made it out the house without being sneaky.

Since I'm a bit sore, I can't really be driving....too much muscle/leg movement, so, I asked Athena if we could take her car.

The whole drive we were all listening to some lit songs.

(1 Hour Later)

Athena parked in one of the many parking spaces & we got out the car.

We all headed to the mall's entrance & started shopping.

We first headed to Victoria Secret to buy some underwear & then headed to Forever 21.
We split our ways when they wanted to go to Mac to buy some makeup but I wanted to go to Mandee, my FAVORITE clothing store.
We decided to meet up at the mall food court afterwards & that we'd sit near around Taco Bell.

(30 Minutes Later)

I walked through the crowd of people in line at different sets of faster food places & than saw Danielle & Athena sitting near Taco Bell waiting.

I waved at Athena who was looking my way, & she spotted me. I walked closer.

"Hey. Me & Danielle wanted to go get some Chinese.", Athena stated.

I signed, "Yeah, I'll order that too."

Danielle & Athena headed to order since we didn't want nobody taking our seats so I stayed behind but they know my order.

(5 Minutes Later)

The girls came back with our food & once they sat down, we ate.

"So, did u buy anything for Gabe's party?", Danielle asks me.

I signed, "Yeah, I bought a pair of black rip jeans, black high heels, black tank-top, & a cute floral shirt over the tank-top."

"Well, I bought a whole little cute red dress & hope to catch a cute-ass nigga's eyes.", Danielle states.
"Why would u want any of those fuckboys at the party?", Athena asked logically.
"Because this world is filled all with fuckboys, might as well just pick one & get it over with! Unless y'all know a loyal-ass nigga.....", she states & we shrug our shoulders in disappointment.

"Lauryn?", I heard a voice say calling out to me.
I turned my head around to see who it was.....I could not believe my eyes......

To Be Continued.....

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