///Chapter 35///

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(Few Hours Later)

(Ding Dong)

I opened the door & Danielle & Athena both came in hugging me like crazy.

"Omg, it's so good to have u back!", Athena exclaimed.
"Honestly, it's feels good to be back. But tell me, how are u & Gerome?", I asked her.
"Oh we're still dating but he swears he didn't know anything about Gabriel ya know—"
"Ok Athena we get it, you're madly in love with a potato. Anyways, I can't believe it's your first night back & we can spend it together!", Danielle says.
"Right!", I state so excited I could finally get back to my old life with new motives & positive people in my life.

(Ding Dong)

I walk towards the door & smiled.

"Hey—AHHH! CHUPACABRA!, I screamed.


I slammed the door close & looked up at Danielle & Athena frightened for dear life.

"What's wrong?!😰", Danielle asked as her & Athena both looked at me with worried faces.

"Lauryn...open this door.", the frightening voice said.

I shake my head.

"Never!", I exclaimed.

"Wait, doesn't that voice belong to......", Danielle asks suspiciously before pushing me to the side.
"No! I don't wanna see the terror again!", I exclaim hiding behind Athena.

Danielle opens the door to reveal the boogie man!

Daniel glares at me with his arms crossed.

"Oh the horror, the HORROR!", I yelled almost pretending to faint.
"Ok, I know I'm not good-looking as hell but I didn't deserve that either.", he states walking in with Kevin & Devin.

They all laugh as I stare at him up & down.

"I know, but.....I haven't been gone that long to realize that that eagle hairstyle isn't a new trend. A fashion statement done gone wrong with u. Tsk, tsk, tsk.......", I state disappointed in his choice of hairstyle.

Daniel fixes his hair.

"I don't care what any of y'all say. You're just jealous I have perfectly, silk—"
"Yeah, yeah Ken we get it. But Barbie isn't here to take u to the dream-house.", Devin states interrupting him & making us die of laughter.
"I'll have u know, when I get a Barbie I'll be her dream-house.....", he says smirking. 😏
"Yeah sure.", Athena, Danielle, & I state at the same time rolling our eyes.
"I'm serious. She's gonna hop on my elevator & Imma show her all my levels.", he says being freaky.

All of our eyes open wide.

"Nah bro, u more woke than your hair.", Kevin says laughing. We all chuckle all the way to the kitchen.

My dads' set the table & Devin, Kevin, & Daniel fight to help.

(20 Minutes Later)

We are halfway into dinner eating dumplings, rice, pork, beans, lasagna, & vegetables.
Daniel has basically devoured the whole table. The only thing he's barely touched with his teeth was the actual, wooden table.

"Sweetie, you've barely eaten anything.", my dad (George) states.
"Fine. Daddy, can u pass me the bowl of dumplings.", I ask my dad (Shane) who's right next to it.

Suddenly, both Kevin's & my dad's (Shane) hands reach for the bowl of dumplings.

Everyone's eyes open. Daniel stops munching & Danielle's spoon falls on the plate.
My dad's (Shane) eyes looked at Kevin's hand then his face with the, "What do u think you're doing, nigga?", facial expression.

Kevin's whole face turns red like the tomato he has on his plate, realizing what he'd done.

Did he figure I called him? But I said daddy. Oh, shit.........

I looked at the negative energy my dad (Shane) is giving Kevin.

"U-Uh, I thought u couldn't reach it. S-S-S-So I figured I could hand it to her.", Kevin states looking like he was about to grow wings & fly away. I mean, at least that's what I wanna do right now.

"Oh, ok. No problem I got it.", my dad says calming down a bit with a soft, tiny smile. His eyes still showed suspicion.

We all finally moved.

I can breathe again. Thank god......

We continued dinner calmly & without any more misunderstandings.

(10 Minutes Later)

"Yes have a nice night Mr & Mr. Grisdale! Yes we'll not let her out of our sight!", Daniel waves goodbye at my dads.

(Door Closes)

He closes the door & suddenly jumps to us.

"Yo, Kevin. I brung the stuff......", he said whispering so we can all hear.
"What the hell?! Nigga, what stuff did u bring?!", Kevin asks worried & looking at Daniel up & down.


"This dumb.....", Devin says sighing while rubbing his head.

Daniel pulls out a bag of white powder.

All of us gasp.

"What the fuck Daniel?!😱", Danielle exclaims aloud.
"What? I brung the flour for us to prank the girls.......", Daniel says softly towards the boys.
"Oh thank god......WHY'D U SAY IT LIKE U BRUNG DRUGS?!", Kevin screams.

Daniel shrinks.

"Sorry damn.....", he states with a child pout.

(Chuckles) "Its alright Dani, c'mon lets throw away that flour before u get knocked out by something stronger than drugs.", I warn him putting my arm around his neck & leading him towards the kitchen.

Ain't no way they playing a prank on us, ha! You guys done lost your marbles......

(10 Minutes Later)

We're all watching a movie in the living room.
But for some reason my phone keeps buzzing.

I'm next to Kevin so I can't exactly see what the messages are about.

I get up.

"Where are u going?", Kevin asks.
"To my bathroom. I'll be back.", I state heading up the stairs.

As I start going up the stairs, I clicked on the power button to see my lock screen filled with messages from a specific number.

What the fuck.......

To Be Continued......

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