///Chapter 38///

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*Lauryn's POV*

The girls went home as soon as my dads got back.
How do I know? Well....I woke up from my nightmare to realize I am living a nightmare.
All the voices....they kept calling my name....it's like I could hear everyone's ever said to me followed by this hollow, a-and unspecified voice. It was like a combination of a man & a woman calling me.....over.....and over....and over.....over....o-over.......o...o-over???

(Stops Breathing)

(Voice Cracks)

"We're over? Kevin.....over....over.....", I state as my eyes stare at nothing. The darkness covering my room doesn't bother me as my vision breaks its focus. It blurs up as I start to realized that....I fucked up.


I let the tears drips down my face & onto my pillow as my ears start to clog.
I grab ahold of my messy baby hairs with my sweaty yet cold palms & pull on them.



(Stops Breathing)

(Breathes In)


(Stops Breathing)

(Breathes In)

(Holds Breath)

(Breathes Out)

I took a minute to try & control myself as my breathing starts fading.

I stop crying & just stare.

I stare.....at absolutely nothing.
Cause I'm nothing......
"I'm nothing.....I could never be but....nothing....", I whisper aloud.

I throw the covers off of me & quickly sit up.

I let my nose run & do not wipe away the tears. My lips start to dry & crack up as well but I do not lick them. My bra strap is slipping off my shoulder but I do not put it back in place.

I slowly get up & start walking towards the door.

I open the door not even stopping it from creaking or worrying whether or not my dads could hear the hinges squeak from their bedroom.

I take my hand off the knob & start walking down the stairs leaving my bedroom door wide open.

I head for the front door.

I unlock the locks & turn the knob to unravel the smell of fresh, cool air & moonlight.
I leave the door open as I started walking across the wet grass in our front lawn to the sidewalk in my bare socks.

I head down the block & keep walking. I walk & walk & walk & walk.

To be honest....it felt like nothing. If anything, I can't feel...at all.
I tune out the street noise & ignore the cars who passed by me. Even the late-night joggers & other neighbors on my block. I showed either emotionless stares, as if I'd seen a ghost.

I turn from corner to corner until I finally stopped at a huge glass window.
I walk infront of the shop & come face-to-face with flowers. All...kinds...of flowers.

Why am I doing this? I know. I don't. Nothing. Remember. Mom. Dads. Mute. Gun. Hospital. Baby. Mental. Kevin—

(Breathes In)

(Breathes Out)

(Glass Shatters)

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