///Chapter 15///

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Oh shit!
It was already too late to do anything. The big yellowish-purple spot on my hip showed clear as day.

The makeup I had put on to cover it, has disappeared thanks to the pool water. I had completely forgotten that I had it on.

I looked up to see the shocked & worried faces of everyone.

"Was it him?.........", Kevin had said through teeth looking like his head was about to blow off his body.
I looked down.
"Gabriel is gonna pay!", Kevin said in a growling voice as Devin & Daniel tried to hold him back.
"He touched u? Oh that's it! Lemme at him!", Daniel said pouncing over Kevin & ready to hit the door before Devin could stop him.
"Devin! Let me go! He touched my twin! He boutta catch these hands!", Daniel says fighting for freedom from Devin's chest.
(Sighs) "Its like watching a chihuahua fight a grizzly bear.....😑", Shari says sighing.
She was next to Kevin trynna calm his ass down.

"Hold up! Hold the phone! Hold the fucking phone! When did Gabriel touch u again? I swore to that motherfucker that if he laid another finger on my best friend that he'd catch these fists! When did he hurt u?!😡". Danielle said getting pissed.
I signed, "Last night, he came to my house & tried to talk to me but I wouldn't & then he became forceful.".

"What she say?", Kevin stated getting impatient & ready to beat a nigga ass.
"She said that he came over to her house last night & talk to her but when she refused, he decided to get violent.", she said stomping her foot & balling up her fist. Athena was already putting her hair in a messy bun ready to fight & Shari was still surprised by this whole situation.
Shari was still trynna get Kevin to breathe in & out.

I wrapped the towel around my body & sat by the pool as everyone stayed quiet.




"Look we have to get past this. What happened, happened & we can't change the past.", Athena stated.
"No, but I sure as hell can see the future, & that involves me killing Gabriel.", Kevin says standing up.
Danielle & Devin both grab him by the arms.
"No! Kevin! You can't just kill someone! Besides, u don't even know where he lives!", Athena yells.
"That is why I have Siri!", he struggles to break free.
I get up from the side of the pool & walk over to him.

I put my hand on his shoulder.
I shake my head no.
"What do I mean, "No"! This guy was your boyfriend! He abused u & god else knows what he does!😡", Kevin says.
I signed, "Kevin....it's no use, he's raped me so many times & hit me that I don't even care for him anymore.".
"Wait.....he's raped u before? Oh that son of a bitch gonna get it now!👿", Kevin says pulling with so much force.

Please no! Dang it....I don't feel too good.......

I hold my stomach & fall to my knees.
My stomach was hurting me. My head felt dizzy as well.

"Lauryn! Are u alright?!😟", Kevin says throwing himself on the ground & turning me over.
"Get her some water! She's burning up!", Danielle yelled touching my forehead.
I felt my whole body turn against me.
Shari came back a few seconds later with a bottle of water & gave it to Kevin.
Daniel raised my head from the back of me as Kevin lifted up my chin & poured the water in my mouth.

After gulping it down, Devin spoke up.
"Lauryn, are u ok?😰", he asked worriedly.
I nodded my head.

"Let's take her inside, it's too cold for her out here.", Shari stated.

Devin & Kevin lifted me up to my feet & one by each side, dragged me into the living room.

I was put on the couch & wrapped around the feet with a blanket.

I slowly started to shut my eyes as everything fell into complete darkness.


(2 Hours Later)

I opened my eyes to reveal darkness. The lights were off & there was silence.
I couldn't feel anything but a warm body hugging me from behind.
I slowly turned my head to look & spotted Kevin with his eyes closed. He looked like he was sleeping.

He hugged tightly onto me so that I wouldn't fall off the small width of a couch.
I was shocked & confused as well as hot & tingly.
I felt so embarrassed but at the same time kinda liked the warm feeling of a body sleeping next to me.

Now, I don't know if my thoughts were too loud or if he needed to pee 'cause his eyes gently opened revealing his dark brown eyes with a touch of green on the side if u look closely.

"Hey....you're awake.", he says in a rusty morning voice.
He released me from his grip & slowly straightened his body up.
He sat on the other side of the couch normally slouching.
I quickly sat up as well & fixed myself.

"I know it must've been weird for u to wake up with me next to u but u were shaking while dreaming & when I hugged u, u stopped. I gradually fell asleep later on.", he stated.
"N-No it's ok. Besides I'm just wondering what time is it & where is everyone?", I signed trying to change the subject.
"It's 11:37 & they all left to go home. If u want, u can use our shower & get yourself cleaned up. You can sleepover tonight if u want, the couch is quite comfortable.", he states.
"It's ok. I'll take a shower home. You think Shari could lend me a ride?", I signed.
"Of course! I'll go get her for u. Grab your clothes & put on your shoes.", he said.

I nodded & grabbed my stuff.
Shari came down with Kevin 2 minutes later.
I hugged goodbye to Kevin & went with Shari.
She gave me a ride home & once we arrived I mouthed, "Thank You."

I entered my house & went upstairs to take a shower.
My dads were thankfully sound asleep & I had no problem sneaking in.

I took a nice long bath & went to bed.
The thing is....I couldn't sleep.
When Kevin was next to me...i-it felt nice. I felt like I could fall asleep all over again.
But it isn't possible....he barely knows me still.
Anyhow, he could never like a girl like me.........

To Be Continued......

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