Rocky Trails: Part II

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He reached the riverbank and sat down, spotting the moon's reflection in the water. He looked up at the night sky, his heart didn't slow down, he was still quivering as images of the dream flashed before his eyes. A tear threatened to come down, it rolled down the side of his cheek. Meowth continues to look at the moon but through blurry eyes. Then he begins to lower his head into his paws as he can't contain his emotions for the rest of the night.


"I'm so tired." Meowth thought as the sun began to rise. "I didn't get any sleep again." Meowth sighed inwardly.

Meowth took a quick look at his reflection to make sure he looked relatively "normal". After cleaning himself and washing away any evidence of last night even happening, Meowth quickly ran back up to the cabin before anyone woke up.

Unfortunately, Faye was sitting on the edge of the canyon, the same spot where Meowth was last night. She was watching the sunrise and spotted Meowth coming up the path.

"The sun always seems happier after the night of a full moon, doesn't it?" She asked. Meowth looks at the sun as it gradually reclaims the sky as its own once again. Meowth also sees familiar high mountain peaks in the far off distance.

"Do you know how far away those are?" Faye looks to where Meowth was pointing too.

She smiles sweetly, "These mountains hold lots of secrets and timing is of the essence,"

"Timing?" Meowth thought as the images of the clocks from his dream came back to the surface. "My dream?"

Faye continues, "I am sure when the time is right you will understand why these mountains call for you in the night."

"Huh..." Meowth's eyes widened at Faye's claim. "She knows?"

She smiles her warm smile as she gets up, ready to go back inside. "I happen to have a secret stash of chocolate chip cookies. If we hurry we can have some before my sister-in-law finds out." She winks as she giggles at her last comment.

"That is if you're feeling up to eating something."

"Cookies? Uh...yeah, I guess I could." Meowth smiles warmly back at her. "She has such a warm light about her."

"Um," She turns to face him, "...I can see you." He spoke gently as a light blush began to take form on the small Pokémon.

She returns a sweet smile, "I can see the light in you too."


The plan sounded simple enough. Faye and Piper were tasked with taking the fossil Pokémon by going in a different direction than the group. Anthony handed each one of the kids a decoy. They were to be a distraction to lure the vandals towards them. According to Anthony, going straight through Alemaca Valley would lead them to Cularo Town. A simple endeavor compared to what they shall embark on today. Instead of a simple walk through the valley's forest, there will be some, as Anthony puts it "aggressive hiking."

Apparently, there are a couple of paths that could lead one to Cularo Town. Anthony seemed to have all the answers as if he had the whole mountain range mapped out on the back of his hand. However, when it came to asking where the true destination for the endangered Pokémon will be, Anthony and his family resisted on revealing exact details.

Vaguely disheartened to see Faye go, Meowth waved goodbye with the others as they watched Faye and Piper leave with the precious cargo. Anthony then called out his Aerodactyl who had a harness with a very distinctive stone that was similar to the one on Anthony's belt.

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