Bread Crumbs and Shattered Paths

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Chapter 7: Bread Crumbs and Shattered Paths


"Sounds of water rippling through my body..."

**Click, clack, click, clack, click, clack**

"Where are those footsteps coming from..."?

The footsteps were loud as if they were right behind him when they stopped. Blades of grass flew about as it slowly turned around. In the far of distance standing in the grassy field was a tall dark human covered in shadows, as the human moved his hand Meowth became entangled by the grass dragging it down into darkness. Trying to fight it off Meowth turns to see the mountain peaks again as the flickering light hovers around them. Remembering the light scaring the shrieks away it activates its flash causing a bright light to engulf everything and the grass releases Meowth. The light fades and reveals that Meowth is back in the mountains surrounded by rock walls and a rocky trail that leads upwards as the highest mountain peaks with the light twinkling in the sky were behind him. The orb of light moves in closer at lighting speed passing Meowth overhead.

" These mountains call for you..." Faye's voice echoes within the mountains.

**Tic-tock, tic-tock, tic-tock, tic-tock**

"Timing is everything..." Anthony's voice follows as the sound of ticking clocks fills the air.

Meowth begins to follow up the trail in the direction of where the light went. The trail was winding up around and down into a valley in the lower part of the mountains that was bear of any form of plant light. The high mountain peaks in the far off distance were behind him and the orb of light was floating above, right in front him. The light started to continue moving forward into a cave. Meowth started to follow but a giant white clock, that sort of resembled the moon, blocked its path.

**Tic-tock, tic-tock, tic-tock, tic-tock**

**Click, clack, click, clack, click, clack**

The footsteps returned and they were loud as if they were right behind him when they stopped. Slowly turning to only see none other than the dark shadowy figure standing right beside him as blades of grass flew about. The human slowly reached his dark hand out to touch Meowth's forehead, as cold, dark air seemed to emanate from the man's body.

"GET AWAY FROM ME!" He screamed. Frightened by the man's presence Meowth loses feeling in his body as he gradually begins to blackout...

"Secrets," he heard a whisper as everything was going dark, " the mountains."


Waking up aggressively and feeling a cold sweat on its paws, Meowth realized it was just a dream. It was still the middle of the night and everyone was sleeping peacefully in his or her tent. Meowth was sleeping in a tree a little ways away from the group. Realizing he was still shaking and his heart was pounding hard, Meowth decided to walk it off for a bit while hoping that he didn't wake anyone up.

He walked far away from the campsite and stumbled upon a stream. He sat down at the bank of the stream, then looked up at the night sky. Still quivering with a fast beating heart, a tear rolled down on the side of his cheek. Meowth lowers his head into his paws as he lost control of his emotions for the rest of the night.

As daybreak approached, Meowth was laying on his back watching the sky change its colors through groggy eyes.

"I didn't get any sleep at all again." He sighed as he sat up straight and took a look at his reflection in the stream. He made sure that he looked normal enough to continue passing on his act of normalcy. He took one big deep breath and exhaled, ready to face another day with the twerps. As he started to head back, something yummy looking appeared in the corner of his eye. He felt his instincts stir due to the opportunity of an easy hunt. But the urge or desire to fulfill his instinctual actions were amiss. His body felt heavier, his muscles felt nimble but the natural urge to fulfill his body's needs was gone. Instead, he took the time to drink some was better than nothing.

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